Clinical Translation Research Projects - CTRP (till 2016)

In the framework of promoting translational research, the IZKF Münster developed innovative funding concepts that intend to close the gap between funding basic research (e.g. mouse studies) and patient centred research.
From 2009 to 2016, the Clinical Translation Research Projects (CTRP) programme funded scientifically demanding clinical questions that could only be explored in a patient related approach and carried out with the infrastructure and patient cohorts available at the UKM. The aim of the program was to transfer important preclinical results with great innovation potential into clinical applications for the development of new diagnostic or therapeutic methods.

  • completed Clinical Translation Research Projects - CTRP

    • CTRP/007/13 - Neurophysiological and molecular biological investigations into sensory processing of chronic pruritus with cutaneous and non-cutaneous causes in the cowhage model (PruriCow)
      Principal investigators: Sonja Ständer, Esther M. Pogatzki-Zahn
      Funding period: 08/2013 - 12/2016
    • CTRP/008/13 - Emotional processing in limbic encephalitis
      Principal investigator: Thomas Straube
      Funding period: 06/2013 - 12/2016
    • CRA/004/12 - Prevention of disease flares by risk-adapted stratification of therapy withdrawal in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
      Principal investigators: Dirk Föll, Dirk Holzinger, Joachum Gerß
      Funding period: 07/2011 - 09/2015
    • CRA/005/11 - Optimization and clinical transfer of a new strategy for treatment of tonal tinnitus
      Principal investigators: Christo Pantev, Claudia Rudack
      Funding period: 07/2011 - 06/2014
    • CRA/003/09 - Klinefelter Syndrome: Do the parental origin and epigenetic profile of the supernumerary X chromosome determine phenotype, morbidity, inflammatory status and cardiovascular risk?
      Principal investigators: Michael Zitzmann, Frank Tüttelmann
      Funding period: 01/2010 - 12/2012
    • CRA/001/09 - Genetics of cerebrovascular (CVD) disease in children
      Principal investigators: Ulrike Nowak-Göttl, Klaus Berger
      Funding period: 01/2010 - 12/2012