Core Units
The IZKF Münster operates a technology platform committed to advancing research and providing state-of-the-art technology and instrumentation to scientists of the Medical Faculty, as well as other intramural WWU Münster faculties inside and outside the WWU Münster and other external institutions. Researchers - especially the young academics - have access to a large instrument pool consisting of expensive high-end equipment and expert advice. Moreover, the Core Units promote translational research by interacting closely with academia and industry, ensuring that the technology available is continuously updated. Lectures, workshops and practical courses are organised on a regular basis to keep users informed about current developments. The IZKF Scientific Office coordinates and supports these Core Units and oversees their smooth operation. Their overall performance is evaluated on a regular basis by the IZKF Board of Directors and the Scientific Advisory Board in order to maintain high standards and define the future direction and goals of the Technology Platform.
Methods Development Projects (Z-Projekts)
With the emerging restructuring and associated technological upgrading of the Core Units, it became necessary to explore new approaches or develop new technologies, methods and devices that could be offered to all scientists of the faculty to strengthen innovation and quality of their research. The funding module Z-projects was established allowing for these innovations to be implemented in a short time frame with a separate budget.