Are you in interested in applying for IZKF funding? Here you can learn more about the funding programs and the application process.
Online registration: All applicants must register in the online portal and will receive all the necessary documents and instructions for submitting project proposals in the respective IZKF funding program. By registering in OLA you agree to the Privacy Policy for the use of your business address, E-Mail and name for the purpose of reviewing and processing your application documents.
Please proceed as follows:
- Click on the OLA button on IZKF homepage. The Login/Registration page will appear.
- Click on “Registration” and fill in the requested information (all data are mandatory). Send your request to the IZKF by pressing “Daten übermitteln”.
- You will receive an E-Mail from the IZKF Scientific Office with your personal login key and password.
- After logging in for the first time, change your personal password, to ensure the safety of your data. The new password can be altered in the “My account” tab and should have a minimum of eight characters containing at least one lower case letter (a-z), one upper case letter (A-Z) and one number (0-9). You will be denied access after three wrong entries. If you have forgotten your password, you can request new personal access data on the login page. Please note that the setting of a new login code only works during regular office hours.
- On the Home page of the application tool you may now select your option for submitting a pre-proposal for an IZKF project.
- Follow the corresponding OLA guidelines for the respective funding programme.