Modules for Masterstudents (4 weeks)
Biology of Reproduction
Animal Models , reproductive endocrinology, molecular genetics of fertility, physiology of testicular stem cells
Novel Methods in Reproductive Biology/Medicine
Flow cytometry, IVF/ICSI, RAMAN Microspectroscopy, DNA Integrity, immunohistochemistry, epigeneticsResearch modules for Masterstudents (8 weeks)
topics in reproductive biology to be defined
Biology of Reproduction
Animal Models , reproductive endocrinology, molecular genetics of fertility, physiology of testicular stem cells
Novel Methods in Reproductive Biology/Medicine
Flow cytometry, IVF/ICSI, RAMAN Microspectroscopy, DNA Integrity, immunohistochemistry, epigeneticsResearch modules for Masterstudents (8 weeks)
topics in reproductive biology to be defined