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Institute of Reproductive and Regenerative Biology

Director: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Schlatt
Deputy: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nina Neuhaus

Within an interdisciplinary team of biologists, chemists, and physicists, we perform basic research to resolve the physiology of reproduction and organ/tissue regeneration. We study the function of testicular stem and germ cells, the mechanisms controlling spermatogenesis, sperm function, and embryonic development. Moreover, in close collaboration with clinicians, we perform translational and clinical research in reproductive endocrinology, male fertility disorders, and andrology.

Spermatogenesis and testicular function
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Schlatt)

Molecular reproductive physiology
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Timo Strünker)

Endocrine function and epi-genetics

Testicular development and physiology
(Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Wistuba)

Experimental embryology
(PD Dr. rer. nat. Verena Nordhoff)

Germ line stem cells
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nina Neuhaus)

Department of Clinical and Surgical Andrology

Clinical head: Prof. Dr. med. Sabine Kliesch

As clinicians we complement the basic research of the CeRA scientists with translational research and clinical studies. We persue the objective to improve diagnosis and treatment of male infertility, to enable and optimize fertility preservation, optimize the treatment of couples with the unfulfilled desire for a child by improving the assisted reproduction, as well as to establish a utilization of germ cells for therapeutic purposes.


Urological Andrology
(Prof. Dr. Sabine Kliesch)

Endocrinological aspects of Andrology
(Prof. Dr. Michael Zitzmann)



Clinical Research Unit (CRU) 326

Male Germ Cells: From genes to function (CRU)

Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Jörg Gromoll
Wissenschaftlicher Leiter: Prof. Dr. Frank Tüttelmann

Within translational projects, the CRU investigates male germ cell function on the genetic, epigenetic, and molecular level to resolve the reasons for male infertility which is a genetically and clinical highly heterogenous disease. Their vision is to phenotype patients in depth and to identify specific causes for their infertility, to establish the basis for an individualized treatment. Through close collaboration in many projects the CeRA plays an important role in the CRU and vice versa, the CRU highly impacts research at the CeRA.

CRU Homepage