Publications since 2013

  • Kockwelp J, Thiele S, Kliesch S, Gromoll J, Wistuba J, Risse B. Investigating Imaging, Annotation and Self-Supervision for the Classification of Continuously Developing Cells in Histological Whole Slide Images. Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, Tucson, AZ, USA, Feb 28-Mar 4, 2025

  • Schülke LC, Di Persio S, Wistuba J, Nordhoff V, Behre HM, Cremers JF, Kliesch S, Neuhaus N. Andrology of two hidden clinical subgroups among men with idiopathic cryptozoospermia. Human Reproduction 2024

  • Rohayem J, Idkowiak J, Huss S, Balke T, Scherzer T, Schürmann H, Heitkötter B, Wistuba J, Hübner A. Hyperthyroidism induced by paraneoplastic human chorionic gonadotropin production from testicular tumours: a retrospective clinical and histopathological study. Endocrine Connections, 2024

  • Kockwelp J, Wistuba J, Gromoll J, Risse B. EyeGuide – From Gaze Data to Instance Segmentation. Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2023, data set (public repository) doi: 10.17879/29928498088; Research Impact Score 9,5

  • Busch AS, Paturlanne JM, Neuhaus N, Juul A, Wistuba J, Schlatt S, Omran H. Male minipubety in human and non-human primates – planting the seeds for future fertility Reproduction, 2023; 166 R63-R72; IF 3,8

  • Wistuba J, Neuhaus N, Nieschlag E. Testis Physiology. In Nieschlag E, Kliesch S, Behre HM (eds): Andrology 4th edition, Springer, New York 2022

  • Nordhoff V, Wistuba J. Physiology of sperm maturation and fertilization In Nieschlag E, Kliesch S, Behre HM (eds): Andrologie 4. Auflage, Springer, New York 2021

  • Hiort M, Rohayem J, Knaf R, Laurentino S, Berglund A, Gravholt CH, Gromoll J, Wistuba J. Testicular architecture of men with 46,XX testicular Disorders of Sexual Development. Sexual Development IF 2,845

  • Höffken V, Di Persio S, Laurentino S, Wyrwoll MJ, Terwort N, Hermann A, Röpke A, Oud MS, Wistuba J, Kliesch S, Pavenstädt HJ, Tüttelmann F, Neuhaus N, Kremerskothen J. WWC2 expression in the testis: implications for spermatogenesis and male fertility. FASEB Journal, IF 5,864, ahead of print

  • Capponi C; Palazzoli M; Di Persio S; Fera S; Spadetta G, Franco G; Wistuba J; Schlatt S; Neuhaus N; de Rooij D, Vicini E. Interplay of spermatogonial subpopulations during initial stages of spermatogenesis in adult primates. Development, IF 6,862, ahead of print

  • Sharma S, Sandhowe Klaverkamp R, Wistuba J, Schlatt S. Limited spermatogenic differentiation of testicular tissue from prepubertal marmosets in an in vitro organ culture systemMolecular and Cellular Endocrinology 2022 1;539:111488. IF 4,369

  • Wyrwoll MJ, Köckerling N, Vockel M, Dicke AC, Rotte N, Pohl E, Emich J, Wöste M, Ruckert C, Wabschke R, Seggewiss J, Ledig S, Tewes AC, Stratis Y, Wistuba J, Krallmann C, Kliesch S, Röpke A, Stallmeyer B, Friedrich C, Tüttelmann F. Genetic architecture of severe spermatogenic failure and male infertility – time to advance standard of care. European Urology, 8:S0302-2838(22)02384-3 IF 21,729

  • Wyrwoll MJ, Wabschke R, Röpke A, Wöste M, Ruckert C, Perrey S, Rotte N, Hardy J, Astica L, Lupianez DG, Wistuba J, WesternströerB, Schlatt S, Berman AJ, Müller AM, Kliesch S, Yatsenko AN, Tüttelmann F Friedrich C. Analysis of copy number variants in men with non-obstructive azoospermia. Andrology IF 4,456 in press

  • Siebert-Kuss LM, Krenz H, Tekath T, Wöste M, Di Persio S, Terwort N, Wyrwoll MJ, Cremers JF, Wistuba J, Dugas M, Kliesch S, Schlatt S, Tüttelmann F, Gromoll J, Neuhaus N, Laurentino S. Stage-specific gene and transcript dynamics in human male germ cells. Life Science Alliance IF 5,190, in press

  • Dabel J, Schneider F, Wistuba J, Kliesch S, Schlatt S, Neuhaus N. New perspectives on fertility in transwomen with regard to spermatogonial stem cells. Reproduction and Fertility IF none, Journal currently launched

  • Rohayem J, Haffner D, Cremers JF, Huss S, Wistuba J, Kliesch S, Hohenfellner K. Testicular function in males with infantile nephropathic cystinosis. Human Reproduction 2021;36(5):1191-1204 IF 6,918

  • Schneider F, Dabel J, Kliesch S, Schlatt S, Neuhaus N, Sandhowe-Klaverkamp R, Wistuba J. Serum Inhibin B but not Anti-Muellerian-Hormone correlates with spermatogonial numbers in transwomen at the day of sex confirming surgery. Andrology 2021;9(6):1781-1789.IF 4,456

  • Di Persio S; Tekath T; Siebert-Kuss LM; Cremers JF; Wistuba J; Li X; Meyer zu Hörste G; Drexler HCA; Dugas M; Kliesch S; Schlatt S; Laurentino S; Neuhaus N. Single cell resolution analysis reveals the molecular gatekeepers that balance the differentiation and maintenance of human male germline stem cells. Cell Reports Medicine 2021 9;2(9):100395, IF 16,292

  • Schneider F, Wistuba J, Holterhus PM, Kulle A, Schlatt S, Kliesch S, Neuhaus N, Zitzmann M. New Insights into Extended Steroid Hormone Profiles in Transwomen in a Multi-Center Setting in Germany. Journal of Sexual Medicine 2021;18(10):1807-1817 IF 3,803

  • Kaiser S, Korte A, Wistuba J, Baldy M, Wissmann A, Dubicanac M, Richter HS, Sachser N. Effects of castration and sterilization on baseline and response levels of cortisol– a case study in male guinea pigs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, IF 3,220

  • Nordhoff V, Wistuba J. Physiologie der Spermienreifung und Fertilisierung. In: Nieschlag, E., Behre, H.M., Kliesch, S., Nieschlag, S. (eds) Andrologie. Springer Reference Medizin. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2021,

  • Wistuba J., Neuhaus N., Nieschlag E. (Physiologie der Hodenfunktion. In: Nieschlag, E., Behre, H.M., Kliesch, S., Nieschlag, S. (eds) Andrologie. Springer Reference Medizin. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2021,

  • Pohl E, Wistuba J, Gromoll J, Laurentino S. Healthy ageing and the human male germ line. Reproduction 2021;161(4):R89-R101, IF 3,906

  • Portela JMD, Heckmann L, Wistuba J, Sansone A, van Pelt AMM, Kliesch S, Schlatt S, Neuhaus N. Development and disease-dependent dynamics of spermatogonial subpopulations in human testicular tissues. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020 14;9(1):224 IF 4,241

  • Schubert M, Kaldewey S, Pérez Lanuza L, Krenz H, Dougas M, Berres S, Kliesch S, Wistuba J, Gromoll J. Does the FSHB c.-211G>T polymorphism impact Sertoli cell number and the spermatogenic potential in infertile patients? Andrology, 2020;8(5):1030-1037 IF 3,106

  • Heckmann L, Langenstroth-Röwer D, Wistuba J, Portela JMD, van Pelt AMM, Redmann K, Stukenborg JB, S. Schlatt, Neuhaus N. The initial spermatogenic status predicts developmental potential of marmoset testicular tissue in organ culture. Molecular Human Reproduction 2020; 26(6):374-388 IF 4,025

  • Mincheva M; Wistuba J; Brenker C, Schlatt S. Re-assembly of human testis cords in vitro: a model to explore seminiferous tubulogenesis. Scientific Reports 2020;10(1):8935 IF 4,379

  • Wyrwoll MJ, Temel SG, Nagirnaja L, Oud MS, Lopes AM, van der Heijden GF, Rotte N, Wistuba J, Wöste M, Ledig S, Krenz H, Smits RM, Carvalho F, Gonçalves J, Fietz D, Türkgenç B, Ergören MC, Çetinkaya M, Başar M, Kahraman S, Pilatz A, Röpke A, Dugas M, Kliesch S, Neuhaus N, GEMINI Consortium, Aston KI, Conrad DF, Veltman JA, Friedrich C, Tüttelmann F. Biallelic mutations in M1AP are a frequent cause of meiotic arrest leading to male infertility. American Journal of Human Genetics 2020;107(2):342-351, IF 11,025

  • Wistuba J, Beumer C, Warmeling AS, Sandhowe-Klaverkamp R, Stypmann J, Kuhlmann M, Holtmeier R, Damm OS, Tüttelmann F, Gromoll J. Testicular blood supply is altered in the 41,XXY* Klinefelter Syndrome mouse model. Scientific Reports 2020;10(1):14369 IF 4,379

  • Mall EM, Rotte N, Yoon J, Sandhowe-Klaverkamp R, Röpke A, Wistuba J, Tüttelmann F, Hübner K, Schöler HR, Schlatt S. A novel xeno-organoid approach: Exploring the crosstalk between human ipsc derived PGC-like and rat testicular cells. Molecular Human Reproduction 2020;26(12):879-893 IF 4,025

  • Wistuba J, Beumer C, Brehm, R, Gromoll J 41XXY* mice – an animal model for Klinefelter syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics part C; Seminars in Medical Genetics 2020;184(2):267-278, IF 7,877

  • König S, Hadrian K, S. Schlatt, Wistuba J, Thanos S, Böhm MR. Topographic differential analysis of the age-related proteome in the retinal pigment epithelium of Callithrix jacchus. Journal of Proteomics2019 ;191:1-15 IF 3,537

  • Ntemou E, Kadam P, Van Saen D, Wistuba J, Mitchell RT, Schlatt S, Gossens E. Complete Spermatogenesis in Intratesticular Testis Tissue Xenotransplants from an Immature Non-Human Primate. Human Reproduction 2019 34(3):403-413 IF 5,733

  • Pohl E, Höffken V, Schlatt S, Kliesch S, Gromoll J, Wistuba J. Ageing in men with normal spermatogenesis alters spermatogonial dynamics and nuclear morphology in Sertoli cells. Andrology2019;7:827-839 IF 3,106

  • Hadrian K; Melkonyan, H; Schlatt, S; Wistuba, J; Wasmuth, S; Heiligenhaus, A, Thanos, S; Böhm, MR. Age related distribution and potential role of SNCB in the topologically different retinal areas including the macula of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus.) Experimental Eye Research Exp Eye Res. 2019 Aug;185:107676 IF 2,988

  • Laurentino S, Heckmann L, Di Persio S, Li X,  Meyer zu Hörste G, Wistuba J, Cremers JF, Gromoll J, Kliesch S, Schlatt S, Neuhaus N. High resolution analysis of germ cells from men with sex chromosomal aneuploidies reveals normal transcriptome but potentially impaired imprinting. Clinical Epigenetics 2019 28;11(1):127 IF 5,496

  • Sharma S, Pock T, Neuhaus N, Wistuba J, Schlatt S. Spermatogonial stem cells: Updates from specification to clinical relevance. Human Reproduction Update 2019 1;25(3):275-297, IF 12,684

  • Gavish Z, Spector I, S Peer G, Schlatt S, Wistuba J, Roness H, Meirow D. Follicle Activation is a significant and immediate cause of follicle loss after ovarian tissue transplantation. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2018; 35(1):61-69 IF 2,163

  • Mincheva M, R. Sandhowe-Klaverkamp R, Wistuba J, K. Redmann, Stukenborg JB, Kliesch S, Schlatt S. Re-assembly of adult human testicular cells: Can testis cord-like structures be created in vitro? Molecular Human Reproduction, 2018 1;24(2):55-63, IF 3,585

  • Heckmann L, Langenstroth-Röwer D, Pock T, Wistuba J, Redmann K, Stukenborg JB, Zitzmann M, Kliesch S, Schlatt S, Neuhaus N. A diagnostic germ cell score for immature male cancer patients based on experimental and clinical evaluation. HumanReproduction, 2018 1;33(4):636-645  IF 5,020

  • Rode K, Wieder K, Damm OS, Wistuba J, Langeheine M, Brehm R. Loss of connexin 43 in Sertoli cells provokes postnatal spermatogonial arrest, reduced germ cell numbers and impaired spermatogenesis. Reproductive Biology, 2018;18(4):456-466 IF 1,446

  • Tröndle I, Westernströer B, Wistuba J, Terwort N, Schlatt S, Neuhaus N. Gene expression profiles reveal irradiation induced effects on the somatic environment of juvenile primate testicular xenografts. MolecularHuman Reproduction, 2017;23(3):141-154, IF 3,585

  • Langenstroth-Röwer D, Gromoll J, Wistuba J, Tröndle I, Schlatt S, Neuhaus N. De novo methylation in male germ cells of the common marmoset monkey occurs during postnatal development and is maintained in vitro. Epigenetics 2017;12(7):527-539, IF 4,774

  • Alnawaiseh M, Brand C, Bormann E, Wistuba J, Eter N, Heiduschka P. Quantitative analysis of retinal perfusion in mice using optical coherence tomography angiography. Experimental Eye Research 2017 pii: S0014-4835(17)30414-1 IF 3,332

  • Brand C, Zitzmann M, Eter N, Kliesch S, Wistuba J, Alnawaiseh M, Heiduschka P. Aberrant ocular architecture and function in patients with Klinefelter syndrome. Scientfic Reports 13;7(1):13130 IF 4,259

  • Wistuba J, Werler S, Lewejohann L, Brand C, Damm OS. Mouse models for the exploration of Klinefelter´s syndrome. In Conn MJ (ed) Animal models for the study of human diseases; 2nd revised editionElsevier Academic Press, ISBN 9780128094686, published date: 8th June 2017, Page Count: 1182 , 2017, pages 617-645

  • Wistuba J, Brand C, Zitzmann M, Damm OS. Genetics of Klinefelter Syndrome: Experimental exploration. Monographs in Human Genetics, In Vogt PH (ed) Genetics of Human Infertility, vol 21. pp 40-56 Karger, 2017 doi: 10.1159/00477277

  • Nieschlag E, Ferlin A, Gravholt CH, Gromoll J, Köhler B, Lejeune H, Rogol AD, Wistuba J. The Klinefelter syndrome: current management and research challenges. Summary of the Concluding Round Table Discussion at the 2nd International Workshop on the Klinefelter Syndrome Münster, Germany, March 10-12, 2016, Andrology 4:545-549 IF 2,562

  • Schlatt S, Ehmcke J, Wistuba J. Physiologische Grundlagen der männlichen Fertilität. Der Urologe A. 2016, 55(7): 868-876

  • Sharma S, Portela J, Wistuba J, Neuhaus N, Schlatt S. Germline stem cells in Non-human Primates. Primate Biology; 2017; 4: 173-184, IF none; journal launched only recently

  • Pohl E, Gromoll J, Kliesch S, Wistuba J. An alternative interpretation of cellular “selfish spermatogonial selection”- clusters in the human testis indicates the need for 3D analyses. Andrology 2016 Mar;4(2):213-7, IF 2,298

  • Irfan S, Ehmcke J, Shahab M, Wistuba J, Schlatt S. Immunocytochemical localization of kisspeptin and kisspeptin receptor in the primate testis. Journal of Medical Primatology, 2016 Jun;45(3):105-11, IF 0,819

  • Neehus AL, Wistuba J, Ladas N, Eiz-Vesper B, Schlatt S, Müller T. Gene conversion of the major histocompatibility complex class I Caja-G in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Immunology. 2016 Nov;149(3):343-352, IF 4,078

  • Laurentino S, Nordhoff V, Kliesch S, Wistuba J, Borgmann J, Beygo J, Buiting K, Horsthemke B, Gromoll J. Heterogeneous epigenetic signatures in sperm of infertile males. Human Molecular Genetics, 24(5):1295-304, 2015, IF 6,393

  • Zitzmann M, Werler S, Wistuba J, Kliesch S, Gromoll J, Tüttelmann F. Gene Expression Patterns in a disturbed Karyotype: Keys to the Clinical Conundrum of Klinefelter Patients. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 100(3):E518-23, 2015, IF 6,209

  • Kläver R, Sánchez V, Damm OS, Redmann K, Lahrmann E, Sandhowe-Klaverkamp R, Rohde C, Wistuba J, Ehmcke J, Schlatt S, Gromoll J. Direct but No Transgenerational Effects of Decitabine and Vorinostat on Male Fertility. PLoS One. 2015; 10(2):e0117839. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117839, IF 3,234

  • Noelke J, Wistuba J, Damm OS, Fietz D, Gerber J, Gaehle M, Brehm R. A Sertoli cell-specific connexin43 knockout leads to altered interstitial connexin expression and increased Leydig cell numbers. Cell Tissue Research 2015 Aug;361(2):633-44, IF 3,565

  • Westernströer B, Langenstroht D, Kliesch S, Troppmann B, Redmann K, Mitchell R, Wistuba J, Schlatt S, Kossack N. Developmental expression patterns of the chemokine CXCL12 and its receptor CXCR7 in monkey and human testes. Cell Tissue Research 2015 Sep;361(3):885-98, IF 3,565

  • Irfan S, Wistuba J, Ehmcke J, Shahab M, Schlatt S. Longitudinal observation of pubertal testicular development in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) reveals high inter-individual variability. Primate Biology, 2, 1-8, 2015, IF None (Journal launched recently)

  • Schneider F, Redmann K, Wistuba J, Schlatt S, Kliesch S, Neuhaus N. Enrichment of SALL4 positive spermatogonia performing Medimachine dissociation of human testicular tissues, Fertility and Sterility, 2015;104(2):302-11.e3, IF 4,590

  • Rohayem, J., Bongers, R., Czeloth, K., Mallidis, C., Wistuba, J, Krallmann, C., Zitzmann, M., Kliesch, S. Age and markers of Leydig cell function, but not of Sertoli cell function predict the success of sperm retrieval in adolescents and adults with Klinefelter’s syndrome. Andrology 2015;3(5):868-75, IF 2,298

  • Schneider F, Neuhaus N, Wistuba J, Zitzmann M, Heß J, Pape D, van Ahlen H, Schlatt S, Kliesch S. Testicular functions and clinical characterization of patients with gender dysphoria (GD) undergoing sex reassignment surgery (SRS). Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2015 Nov;12(11):2190-200, IF 3,151

  • Luetjens CM, Kaspareit J, Korte SH, Wistuba J. Consideration on the use of marmosets. In: The Nonhuman Primate in Nonclinical Drug Development and Safety Assessment. edited by Bluemel J, Korte S, Schenk E, Weinbauer GF, Elsevier, 2015, ISBN: 978-0-12-417144-2, pp 437-456

  • Werler S, Demond H, Ehmcke J, Damm OS, Middendorff R, Gromoll J, Wistuba J. Germ cell loss is associated with fading Lin28 expression in a mouse model for Klinefelter syndrome. Reproduction 2014147: 253-64; IF 3,174

  • Reuter K, Ehmcke J, Stukenborg JB, Simoni M, Damm OS, Redmann K, Schlatt S, Wistuba J.  Reassembly of somatic cells and testicular organogenesis in vitro. Tissue Cell. 2014 Feb;46(1):86-96. Tissue & Cell 46: 86-96; 2014, IF 1,252

  • Tüttelmann F, Damm OS, Luetjens CM, Baldi M, Zitzmann M, Kliesch S, Nieschlag E, Gromoll J, Wistuba J, Simoni M. Intratesticular testosterone is increased in men with Klinefelter syndrome and may not be released into the bloodstream due to altered testicular vascularisation - a preliminary report. Andrology2(2):275-81, doi: 10.1111/j.2047-2927.2014.00190.x, 2014, IF 2,298

  • Langenstroht D, Kossack N, Westernströer B, Wistuba J, Behr R, Gromoll J, Schlatt S. Separation of somatic cells and germ cells is required to establish primate spermatogonial cultures. Human Reproduction, 29(9):2018-31. doi: 10.1093/humrep/deu157 2014; pii: deu157, IF 4,569

  • Westernströer B, Terwort N, Schlatt S, Ehmcke J, Wistuba J, Kossack N. Induced stem cell loss in adult mouse testes results in an increased expression of selected SSC niche-associated factors supporting spermatogenic recovery. PLOS one, 9(12):e112598. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112598, 2014, IF 3,234

  • Mallidis C, Sanchez V, Wistuba J, Wuebbeling F, Burger M, Fallnich C, Schlatt S. Raman microspectroscopy. The new analytical powerhouse of reproductive science? Human Reproduction Update, 2014; 20(3):403-14, IF 10,165

  • Nieschlag E, Werler S, Wistuba J, Zitzmann M: New approaches to the Klinefelter Syndrome. Annales d´Endocrinologie 2014 ; 75(2):88-97, IF 0,871

  • Ramm S, Ehmcke J, Schärer L, Wistuba J. Sperm competition and the evolution of spermatogenesis Molecular Human Reproduction 201420 (12):1169-1179, IF 3,747

  • Sanchez V, Wistuba J, Mallidis C. Noninvasive Techniques: Gamete Selection - Sperm. In: Apractical guide to selecting gametes and embryos. Edited by Montag M, CRC Press, pages 143-154, 2014, 324 pages, ISBN 1842145479, 9781842145470

  • Wistuba J, Luetjens CM, Ehmcke J, Redmann K, Damm OS, Sandhowe-Klaverkamp R, Steinhoff A, Nieschlag E, Simoni M, Schlatt S. Experimental endocrine manipulation by contraceptive regimen in the male marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) Reproduction, 2013, 145(4):439-451; IF 3,262

  • Eppelmann U, Gottardo F, Wistuba J, Ehmcke J, Kossack N, Westernströer B, Redmann K, Wübbeling F, Burger M, Tüttelmann F, Kliesch S, Schlatt S, Mallidis C. Raman microspectroscopic discrimination of TCam-2 cultures reveals the presence of two sub-populations of cells. Cells Tissue Research, 2013, 354(2):623-32; IF 3,333

  • Lang T, Dechant M, Sanchez V, Wistuba J, Pilatz A, Schuler G, Bhushan S, Tchatalbachev S, Wübbeling F, Burger M, Chakraborty T, Mallidis C, Meinhardt A. Structural and functional integrity of spermatozoa is compromised as a consequence of acute uropathogenic E. coli associated epididymitis. Biology of Reproduction, 2013; 89(3):59; IF 3,451

  • Siegeler K, Sachser N, Wistuba J, Damm OS, Kaiser S. Early social affects plasma testosterone during adolescence but does not alter reproductive capacity or measures of stress later in life. Physiology and Behaviour, 2013; 120:143-9, IF 3,033

  • Kossack N, Terwort N, Wistuba J, Ehmcke J, Schlatt S, Schöler H, Kliesch S, Gromoll J. A combined approach facilitates reliable detection of human spermatogonia in vitro. Human Reproduction, 2013; 28(11):3012-25; IF 4,585

  • Sanchez V, Wistuba J, Mallidis C. Semen analysis: update on clinical value, current needs and future perspectives. Reproduction, 146 249-258, 2013; IF 3,262

  • Wistuba J, Werler S, Lewejohann L. Mouse models for the exploration of Klinefelter´s syndrome. In Conn MJ (ed) Animal models for the Study of human diseases, Academic press, Elsevier, 2013, 759-784, Hardcover ISBN: 9780124158948 Academic Press, published date: 22nd July 2013, Page Count: 1108