Who are we?
WIN stands for "Women in Network". We (Dr. Julia Evers, Dr. Helena Düsing, Dr. Britta Wieskoetter - Unfallchirurgie UKM and UKM MHS) would like to expand the network of women working in surgery at the UKM and create a permanent platform on which UKM surgeons from all career levels can exchange ideas professionally and network.
What are our goals?
In addition to the UKM's internal presence and close cooperation with the WisNetMEd network, we would also like to appear on external platforms (e.g. the association “Die Chirurginnen e.V” has existed since 01/21. In addition to the activity in various interdisciplinary working groups, it is also possible to organise and exchange ideas as a surgeon within a specialist group - but deliberately outside the respective specialist society.
An evaluation of the current data situation takes place in other specialist societies and other countries. Important questions such as (1) What is the ratio of men / women in the upper organizational structures of the specialist societies? (2) How many women in the field of orthopedics / trauma surgery have published within a certain period of time? etc. have to be evaluated. How is the development in the surgical disciplines in Germany?
Who is our target group?
All surgeons at the UKM
Why are we part of the WisNetMed network?
We would like to be part of a platform to make topics of training and further education, research and teaching in the surgical subjects accessible to women.