© J. Eble

© J. Eble
Cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix and its proteolysis by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are essential to metastasis. In cancer cells, fibrillar type I collagen and presumably newly synthesized VE cadherin promote surface expression of MMP14, which can be measured with a FRET probe. Both ways of stimulating MMP14 will be studied in detail, particularly with regard to the supramolecular orientation of collagen fibrils and the cadherin switch typical of cancer cells. Translationally, MMP14 will be investigated for its potential to activate cancer-selective endocytosis of drugs in metastatic and vessel-integrated cancer cells.
Research areas: Vascular Matrix Biology, Integrin-Matrix Interaction, Protein Chemistry
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Eble
Funding period: January 2014 - June 2024
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