IZKF Science Conference 2023

Gut Havichhorst (Photo: Private)

We cordially invite all the IZKF members to our Annual Science Conference, which will take place from October 16 - 17, 2023 at Gut Havichhorst.

In addition to presenting new research proposals for peer-review, we are also looking forward to an insight into some currently funded projects. This conference gives you the opportunity to discuss the results of your research work with other colleagues and to establish contacts or cooperation. This meeting especially gives young scientists the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas. Members of the external Scientific Advisory Board will be present and will be available for expert discussions in addition to the peer-review. The IZKF board is looking forward to as many members as possible taking part in this event.

Kindly register online by 09.10.2023. Link: ONLINE REGISTRATION

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