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  • Lebenslauf


    1981-1986   Studium der Biologie an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg
    Fachrichtung: Ökologie/Tierphysiologie
    Thema: "Biochemische und Histochemische Untersuchungen zum Einfluß unterschiedlicher Gruppengrößen auf die Enzymaktivität der Dipeptidyl-Peptidase IV (EC. und Aminopeptidase M (EC. in der Niere der Labormaus (Mus musculus, ICR/ Schön.)"
    Abschluß: Diplom-Biologe

    Akademischer Werdegang

    1986-1988   wiss. Mitarbeiter im Institut für Landschaftsforschung und Naturschutz Halle, Außenstelle Finsterwalde
    1989-1990   wiss. Mitarbeiter der Abteilung Systemphysiologie im Bereich Neurophysiologie des Institutes für Neurobiologie und Hirnforschung Magdeburg, Arbeitsaufenthalt am Physiologischen Institut der Medizinischen Akademie Magdeburg
    Okt/Nov 1990   Arbeitsaufenthalt am Department of Neurology der University Kuopio (Finnland)
    1991-1995   wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Abteilung Neurophysiologie des
    Institutes für Neurobiologie in Magdeburg
    1995   Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat.
    Thema: „Zeitabhängige Modulation der Langzeit- Potenzierung (LTP) im Gyrus dentatus der freibeweglichen Ratte durch appetitive und aversive Stimuli “
    1996-2005   wiss. Mitarbeiter im Institut für Physiologie der Otto-v.-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
    seit 04/2005   wiss. Mitarbeiter im Institut für Physiologie I, Münster
    2008   Forschungspreis der Westfälischen Wilhems-Universität, Münster
    2017   Habilitation und venia legendi in Physiologie, Medizinische Fakultät, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
  • Publikationen


    1. Budde B, Maksimenko V, Sarink K, Seidenbecher T, van Luijtelaar G, Hahn T, Pape HC, Lüttjohann A (2022)
      Seizure prediction in genetic rat models of absence epilepsy: improved performance through multiple-site cortico-thalamic recordings combined with machine learning.
      eNeuro. 2021 Nov 12:ENEURO.0160-21.2021. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0160-21.2021.
      Online ahead of print.


    1. Schafflick D, Wolbert J, Heming M, Thomas C, Hartlehnert M, Börsch A, Ricci A, Martín-Salamanca S, Li X, Lu I, Pawlak M, Minnerup J, Strecker J, Seidenbecher T, Meuth SG, Hidalgo A, Liesz A, Wiendl H and Meyer zu Horste G (2021)
      Single-cell profiling of CNS border compartment leukocytes reveals that B cells and their progenitors reside in non-diseased meninges
      Nat. Neurosci. (2021)


    1. Terlau J, Yang, JW, Khastkhodaei Z, Seidenbecher T., Luhmann HJ, Pape HC, Lüttjohann, A (2020)
      Spike‐wave discharges in absence epilepsy: segregation of electrographic components reveals distinct pathways of seizure activity
      Journal of Physiology (in press),
    2. Hessel M, Pape HC, Seidenbecher T (2020)
      Stimulation of 5-HT receptors in anterodorsal BNST guides fear to predictable and unpredictable threat
      Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol. (in press),


    1. Haaker J, Maren S, Andreatta M, Merz CJ, Richter J, Richter SH, Meir Drexler S, Lange MD, Jüngling K, Nees F, Seidenbecher T, Fullana MA, Wotjak CT, Lonsdorf TB (2019)
      Making translation work: Harmonizing cross-species methodology in the behavioural neuroscience of Pavlovian fear conditioning.
      Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 107: 329-345. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.09.020.


    1. Narayanan V, Cerina M, Göbel K, Meuth P, Herrmann AM, Fernandez-Orth J, Stangel M, Gudi V, Skripuletz T, Daldrup T, Lesting J, Schiffler P, Wiendl H, Seidenbecher T, Meuth SG, Budde T, Pape HC (2018)
      Impairment of frequency-specific responses associated with altered electrical activity patterns in auditory thalamus following focal and general demyelination.
      Exp Neurol. 309: 54-66. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2018.07.010. Epub 2018 Jul 23.
    2. Cerina M, Narayanan V, Delank A, Meuth P, Graebenitz S, Göbel K, Herrmann AM, Albrecht S,
      Daldrup T, Seidenbecher T, Gorji A, Kuhlmann T, Wiendl H, Kleinschnitz C, Speckmann EJ, Pape
      HC, Meuth SG, Budde T  (2018)
      Protective potential of dimethyl fumarate in a mouse model of thalamocortical demyelination.
      Brain Struct Funct. doi: 10.1007/s00429-018-1680-7.


    1. Cerina M, Narayanan V, Göbel K, Bittner S, Ruck T, Meuth P, Herrmann AM, Stangel M, Gudi V, Skripuletz T, Daldrup T, Wiendl H, Seidenbecher T,  Ehling P, Kleinschnitz C, Pape H-C, Budde T,  Meuth SG (2017)
      The quality of cortical network function recovery depends on localization and degree of axonal demyelination.
      Brain, Behavior and Immunity 59, 103-117. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2016.08.014.


    1. Lange MD, Daldrup T, Remmers F, Szkudlarek HJ, Lesting J, Guggenhuber S, Ruehle S, Jüngling K, Seidenbecher T, Lutz B and Pape H-C (2016)
      Cannabinoid CB1 receptors in distinct circuits of the extended amygdala determine fear responsiveness to unpredictable threat.
      Molecular Psychiatry 2016 Oct 4. doi: 10.1038/mp.2016.156. [Epub ahead of print], PMID: 27698427.
    2. Seidenbecher T, Remmes J, Daldrup T, Lesting J, Pape H-C (2016)
      Distinct state anxiety after predictable and unpredictable fear training in mice.
      Behavioural Brain Research 304: 20-23. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.02.009.
    3. Daldrup T, Lesting J, Meuth P, Seidenbecher T, Pape H-C (2016)
      Neuronal correlates of sustained fear in the anterolateral part of the bed nucleus of stria terminalis
      Neurobiology  of  Learning  and Memory,
    4. Kohmann D, Lüttjohann A, Seidenbecher T, Coulon P, Pape HC (2016)
      Short term depression of gap junctional coupling in reticular thalamic neurons of absence epileptic rats.
      J Physiol. 594(19), 5695-710. doi: 10.1113/JP271811
    5. Remmes J, Bodden C, Richter SH, Lesting J, Sachser N, Pape  HC, Seidenbecher T (2016)
      Impact of Life History on Fear Memory and Extinction.
      Frontiers Behav. Neurosci.
    6. Sakalem ME, Seidenbecher T, Zhang M, Saffari R, Kravchenko M, Wördemann S, Diederich K, Schwamborn JC, Zhang W, Ambrée O (2016)
      Environmental enrichment and physical exercise revert behavioral and electrophysiological impairments caused by reduced adult neurogenesis.
      Hippocampus doi: 10.1002/hipo.22669


    1. M. Cerina, H.J. Szkudlarek, P. Coulon, P. Meuth, T. Kanyshkova, X.V. Nguyen, K. Göbel, T. Seidenbecher, S.G. Meuth, H.-C. Pape, T. Budde (2015)
      Thalamic Kv7 channels: pharmacological properties and activity control during noxious signal processing. Br J Pharmacol. doi: 10.1111/bph.13113
    2. T. Daldrup, J. Remmes, J. Lesting, S. Gaburro, M. Fendt, P. Meuth, V. Kloke, H.-C. Pape, T. Seidenbecher (2015)
      Expression of freezing and fear-potentiated startle during sustained fear in mice. Genes, Brain and Behavior. doi: 10.1111/gbb.12211


    1. A. Sajadian, S. Esteghamat ,F. Karimzadeh, A. Eshaghabadi, F. Sieg, E.-J. Speckmann, S. Meuth, T. Seidenbecher, T. Budde, A. Gorji (in press)
      Anticonvulsant effect of neural regeneration peptide 2945 on pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures in rats. Neuropeptides doi: 10.1016/j.npep.2014.11.002


    1. P. Meuth, S. Gaburro, J. Lesting, A. Legler, M. Herty, T. Budde, S.G. Meuth, T. Seidenbecher, B. Lutz, H.-C. Pape;
      Standardizing the analysis of conditioned fear in rodents: a multidimensional software approach.
      Genes Brain Behav. 2013 Apr 8. doi: 10.1111/gbb.12040.
    2. Lesting J, Daldrup T, Narayanan V, Himpe C, Seidenbecher T, Pape HC,
      Directional Theta Coherence in Prefrontal Cortical to Amygdalo-Hippocampal Pathways Signals Fear Extinction. PLoS ONE 8(10): e77707. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.007770 (2013)


    1. F. Chauveau, M.D. Lange, K. Jüngling, J. Lesting, T. Seidenbecher, H.C. Pape,
      Prevention of stress-impaired fear extinction through neuropeptide S action in the lateral amygdala.
      Neuropsychopharmacology 37(7):1588-99 (2012)
    2. T. Seidenbecher, J. Lesting
      Amygdala-hippocampal Theta Synchronyin Learning, Memory and Disease
      In: Insights Into the Amygdala: Structure, Functions and Implications for Disorders (Neuroanatomy Research at the Leading Edge), Nova Press 2012; Ed.: Deniz-Yilmazer-Hanke


    1. V. Narayanan, R. S. Heiming, F. Jansen, J. Lesting, N. Sachser, H.-C. Pape, T. Seidenbecher;
      Social Defeat: Impact on Fear Extinction and Amygdala-Prefrontal Cortical Theta Synchrony in 5-HTT Deficient Mice
      PLoS ONE: 6(7): e22600. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022600 (2011)
    2. J. Lesting, R.T. Narayanan, C. Kluge, S. Sangha, T. Seidenbecher, H.-C. Pape
      Patterns of Coupled Theta Activity in Amygdala-Hippocampal-Prefrontal Cortical Circuits during Fear Extinction.
      PLoS ONE 6(6): e21714. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021714 (2011)
    3. J. Lesting, M. Geiger, R.T. Narayanan, H.-C. Pape & T. Seidenbecher;
      Impaired extinction of fear and maintained amygdala-hippocampal theta synchrony in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
      Epilepsia. 52(2):337-46 (2011)
    4. A. Gorji, C. Mittag, P. Shahabi, T. Seidenbecher, H.-C. Pape;
      Seizure-related activity of intralaminar thalamic neurons in a genetic model of absence epilepsy.
      Neurobiol Dis. 2011 Jul;43(1):266-74. Epub 2011 Mar 31.


    1. H.-C. Pape, K. Jüngling, T. Seidenbecher, J. Lesting & R.K. Reinscheid
      Neuropeptide S: A transmitter system in the brain regulating fear and anxiety.
      Neuropharmacol. 58: 29-34 (2010).
    2. S. Graebenitz, J. Lesting, L. Sosulina, T. Seidenbecher & H.-C. Pape;
      Alteration of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic interactions in the lateral amygdala associated with seizure activity in a mouse model of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy.
      Epilepsia. 51(9):1754-1762 (2010).
    3. P. Coulon*, T. Kanyshkova*, T. Broicher*, T. Munsch, N. Wettschureck, T. Seidenbecher, S.G. Meuth, S. Offermanns, H.-C. Pape & T. Budde.
      Activity modes in thalamocortical relay neurons are modulated by Gq/G11 family G-proteins – serotonergic and glutamatergic signalling.
      Front Cell Neurosci., accepted for publication. *authors contributed equally


    1. R.J. Moran, K.E. Stephan, T. Seidenbecher, H.-C. Pape, R.J. Dolan, K.J. Friston
      Dynamic causal models of steady-state responses.
      Neuroimage.  2009: 44(3):796-811
    2. S. Sangha, R.T. Narayanan, J.R. Bergado-Acosta, O. Stork, T. Seidenbecher & H.-C. Pape,
      Deficiency of the 65-kDa isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase impairs extinction of cued but not contextual fear memory.
      J. Neurosci., 29: 15713-15720 (2009)


    1. K. Jüngling, T. Seidenbecher, L. Sosulina, J. Lesting, S. Sangha, S. Clark, N. Okamura, D. Duangdao, Y.-L. Xu, R. Reinscheid, H.-C. Pape
      Neuropeptide S-mediated control of fear expression and extinction: role of intercalated GABAergic neurons in the amygdala.
      Neuron, 59: 293-310 (2008).
    2. T. Broicher, N. Wettschureck, T. Munsch, P. Coulon, S. Meuth, T. Seidenbecher, S. Offermanns, H.-C. Pape, T. Budde
      Muscarinic ACh receptor-mediated control of thalamic activity via Gq/G11-family G-proteins.
      Pflügers Arch., 456: 1049-1060.


    1. R.T. Narayanan, T. Seidenbecher, C. Kluge, J. Bergado, O. Stork and H.-C. Pape
      Dissociated theta synchronization in amygdalo-hippocampal circuits during various stages of fear memory.
      Eur. J. Neurosci., 25 (6): 1823–1831 (2007).
    2. R.T. Narayanan, T. Seidenbecher, S. Sangha, O.Stork and H.-C. Pape
      Theta re-synchronization during reconsolidation of remote contextual fear memory.
      NeuroReport, 18(11): 1107-1111 (2007).
    3. T. Broicher, T. Seidenbecher, P. Meuth, T. Munsch, S.G. Meuth, T. Kanyshkova, H.-C. Pape and T. Budde
      T-current related effects of antiepileptic drugs and a Ca2+ channel antagonist on thalamic relay and local circuit interneurons in a rat model absence epilepsy.
      Neuropharmacol., 53(3): 431-446 (2007).


    1. Meuth S.G., Aller I.M., Munsch T., Schuhmacher T., Seidenbecher T., Meuth P., Kleinschnitz C., Pape H.-C., Wiendl H., Wisden W., and Budde T.
      The contribution of TASK-1-containing channels to the function of dorsal lateral geniculate thalamocortical relay neurons.
      Molecular Pharmacology Fast Forward Published January 19, 2006; doi: 10.1124/mol.105.020594
    2. Hentschke M., Wiemann M., Hentschke S., Kurth I., Hermans-Borgmeyer I., T. Seidenbecher , Jentsch T.J., Gal A., Hubner C.A.
      Mice with a Targeted Disruption of the Cl-/HCO3- Exchanger AE3 Display a Reduced Seizure Threshold.
      Mol Cell Biol. 26(1): 182-191 (2006)


    1. H.-C. Pape, R.T. Narayanan, J. Smid, O. Stork & T. Seidenbecher
      Theta activity in neurons and networks of amygdala related to long-term fear memory.
      Hippocampus. 15: 874-880 (2005)
    2. H.-C. Pape, S.G. Meuth, T. Seidenbecher, T. Munsch & T. Budde,
      Der Thalamus: Tor zum Bewusstsein und Rhythmusgenerator im Gehirn.
      Neuroforum 2.05, 44-54 (2005).


    1. R. Linke, H. Faber-Zuschratter, T. Seidenbecher & H.-C. Pape
      Axonal connections from posterior paralaminar thalamic neurons to basomedial amygdaloid projection neurons to the lateral entorhinal cortex in rats.
      Brain Res. Bull. 63: 461-469 (2004).


    1. Seidenbecher T, Laxmi TR, Stork O, Pape HC (2003)
      Amygdalar and hippocampal theta rhythm synchronization during fear memory retrieval.
      Science 301(5634):846-50.
    2. Boettger T, Rust MB, Maier H, Seidenbecher T, Schweizer M, Keating DJ, Faulhaber J, Ehmke H, Pfeffer C, Scheel O, Lemcke B, Horst J, Leuwer R, Pape HC, Völkl H, Hübner CA, Jentsch TJ (2003)
      Loss of K-Cl co-transporter KCC3 causes deafness, neurodegeneration and reduced seizure threshold.
      Journal  (EMBO J. 22(20):5422-34.

    Book chapters

    1. Seidenbecher T
      Lernen, Gedächtnis und synaptische Plastizität.
      In: “ Fragen und Antworten zu den Neurowissenschaften”, Hrsg. T. Budde & S. Meuth, Verlag Hans Huber (2003)
    2. Seidenbecher T and Lesting J
      Amygdala-Hippocampal Theta Synchrony in Learning, Memory and Disease.
      In: “Insights into the amygdala. Structure, functions and implications for disorders“(Chapter 8), Ed. D. Yilmazer-Hanke, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2012)

  • Research Projects