Curriculum vitae
Scientific activities
04/2021 – dato PhD student, Institute of Physiology I, University of Münster 10/2019 – 11/2020 Scientific assistant,
Prof. P. Küry and PD M. Gliem, Department of Neurology, Uniklinikum, Düsseldorf05/2018 – 07/2019 Master student,
Prof. P. Küry, Department of Neurology, Uniklinikum, Düsseldorf10/2018 – 02/2019 Scientific assistant,
Prof. P. Bauer, Institute of Botany, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf
Students tutoring in Botany10/2017 – 02/2018 Scientific assistant,
Prof. P. Bauer, Institute of Botany, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf
Students tutoring in Botany10/2016 – 02/2017 Student assistant, Prof. P. Bauer, Institute of Botany, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf
Students tutoring in BotanyPart-time job
08/2019 – dato Assistant
Public Images, Willich09/2016 – 11/2016 Waitress
Seniorenzentrum, WillichEducation
04/2017 – 07/2019 M.Sc. Biology, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Title of thesis: Impact of mononuclear phagocytes on myelin repair dynamics following stroke
Focus in molecular biomedicine10/2013 – 03/2017 B.Sc. Biology, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Title of thesis: Der „cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator“ (CFTR) und seine Rolle bei der Entstehung von Mukoviszidose08/2011 – 06/2013 Germ. High School Degree („Abitur“),
Robert Schuman Europaschule Willich
Advanced Courses:
German, Mathematics
Examination subjects:
Biology, Pedagogy08/2004 – 07/2013 High School entrance qualification,
Willi-Graf-Realschule Willich08/2000 – 07/2004 Astrid Lindgren Elementary School Hilden Skills
Languages German, native English, fluent French, basic IT skills MS Office, very good GraphPad, very good ImageJ, very good PubMed, very good Practical skills FELASA Function A & D Technical skills Establishment of organotypic slice culture Operation cerebral photothrombosis in mice Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry Paraffin sections, Frozen sections Quantitative real-time PCR Blood sample preparation for FACS sorting Microscopic investigation and analysis Publications
Vinnenberg, L.*, Rychlik, N.*, Oniani, T.*, Williams, B., White, J. A., Kovac, S., Meuth, S. G., Budde, T., & Hundehege, P. (2023). Assessing neuroprotective effects of diroximel fumarate and siponimod via modulation of pacemaker channels in an experimental model of remyelination. Experimental Neurology, 371. doi.org/10.1016/j.expneurol.2023.114572. *equal contribution
H. Kapell*, L. Fazio*, J. Dyckow*, S. Schwarz, A. Cruz-Herranz, J. Campos, C. Mayer, E. D´Este, W. Möbius, C. Cordano, A.-K. Pröbstel, M. Gharagozloo, A. Zulji, V. Narayanan Naik, A. Delank, M. Cerina, T. Müntefering, C. Lerma-Martin, J. K. Sonner, J. H. Sin, P. Disse, N. Rychlik, K. Sabeur, M. Chavali, R. Srivastava, M. Heidenreich, K. C. Fitzgerald, G. Seebohm, C. Stadelmann, B. Hemmer, M. Platten, T. J. Jentsch, M. Engelhardt, T. Budde, K.-A. Nave, P. A. Calabresi, M. A. Friese, A. J. Green, C. Acuna, D. H. Rowitch, S. G. Meuth, L. Schirmer (2023). Neuron-oligodendrocyte potassium shuttling at nodes of Ranvier as a neuroprotective target during inflammatory demyelination. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 133: e164223. doi: 10.1172/JCI164223. *equal contribution
Werner, L.*, Gliem, M.*, Rychlik, N., Pavic, G., Reiche, L., Kirchhoff, F., Silva Oliveira Junior, M., Gruchot, J., Meuth, S. G., Küry, P., & Göttle, P. (2023). A Novel Ex Vivo Model to Study Therapeutic Treatments for Myelin Repair following Ischemic Damage. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(13), 10972. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms241310972
Göttle, P., Groh, J., Reiche, L., Gruchot, J., Rychlik, N., Werner, L., Samper Agrelo, I., Akkermann, R., Zink, A., Prigione, A., Hartung, H. P., Martini, R., & Küry, P. (2023). Teriflunomide as a therapeutic means for myelin repair. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 20(1). doi.org/10.1186/s12974-022-02686-6
- Rychlik, N., Hundehege, P., & Budde, T. (2022). Influence of inflammatory processes on thalamocortical activity. In Biological Chemistry. De Gruyter Open Ltd. doi.org/10.1515/hsz-2022-0215
- Pavic, G., Petzsch, P., Jansen, R., Raba, K., Rychlik, N., Simiantonakis, I., Küry, P., Göttle, P., Köhrer, K., Hartung, H. P., Meuth, S. G., Jander, S., & Gliem, M. (2021). Microglia contributes to remyelination in cerebral but not spinal cord ischemia. GLIA, 69(11), 2739–2751. doi.org/10.1002/glia.24068