The research strength of the Faculty of Medicine is reflected in the successful acquisition of collaborative research projects. In such projects, researchers from the Faculty of Medicine join forces with partners from other faculties of the University of Münster as well as external institutions. Together they focus on specific fields of research and utilize emerging synergies to generate new knowledge.
Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre
With the establishment of the "Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre", the University of Münster is continuing the concept of the Cluster of Excellence "Cells in Motion" (CiM) in the long term. Information on CiM can be found under "Completed projects".
- Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Lydia Sorokin (Faculty of Medicine)
Participating faculties and non-university institutions: Faculties of Medicine, Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
- Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre
Collaborative Research Centres
Collaborative Research Centers (CRCs) are research associations funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) at a university or in an association of several universities (CRC/Transregio, CRC-TRR), in which scientists work across disciplines on a specific research topic. The long-term funding of up to twelve years, the thematic focus and the bundling of interdisciplinary expertise enable innovative, demanding and complex research projects. In this way, CRCs also serve to build institutional focus and structure.
Collaborative Research Centers coordinated by the Faculty of Medicine
- CRC-TRR 332 "Neutrophils: origin, fate, and function" (2022 - 2026)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Oliver Söhnlein (Spokesperson, Münster/Medical Faculty) in cooperation with University Duisburg-Essen and LMU München.
Participating departments and institutions: TU Dresden and Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften Dortmund - CRC 1450 "inSight - Multiscale imaging of organ-specific inflammation" (2021- 2024)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Michael Schäfers (Münster/Medical Faculty)
Participating departments and institutions: Faculties of Medicine, Chemistry and Pharmacy, and Mathematics und Informatics (Münster), Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine (Münster), Max Planck Institute for Poymer Research (Mainz), University Hohenheim - CRC 1009 "Breaking Barriers – Immune Cells and Pathogens at Cell/Matrix Barriers" (2012 - 2024)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Johannes Roth (Münster/Medical Faculty)
Participating departments and institutions: Faculties of Medicine, and Biology (Münster), Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine (Münster) - CRC-TRR 128 "Initiating/effector versus regulatory mechanisms in Multiple Sclerosis – progress towards tackling the disease" (2012 - 2024)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Heinz Wiendl (Münster/Medical Faculty), Prof. Dr. Frauke Zipp (Co-Spokesperson, Mainz) in Cooperation with Munich
Collaborative Research Centers with Faculty of Medicine participation
- CRC-TRR 156 "The skin as sensor and effector orchestrating local and systemic immunity" (2015 - 2027)
Coordination: University Heidelberg
Participating institution: Department of Dermatology (Münster) - CRC 1583 "Decisions in Infectious Diseases" (2023 - 2026)
Coordination: University Würzburg
Participating institution: Institute of Infectiology (Münster) - CRC 1557 "Functional Plasticity encoded by Cellular Membrane Networks" (2023 - 2026)
Coordination: University Osnabrück
Participating institution: Institute of Cell Dynamics and Imaging (Münster) - CRC 1123 "Atherosclerosis - Mechanisms and Networks of Novel Therapeutic Targets" (2021 - 2026)
Coordination: LMU Munich
Participating institution: Institute of Experimental Pathology (Münster) - CRC 1066 "Nanodimensional polymer therapeutics for tumor therapy" (2021 - 2025)
Coordination: Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Participating institution: Department of Dermatology (Münster) - CRC 1430 "Molecular Mechanisms of Cell State Transitions" (2021 - 2025)
Coordination: University Duisburg-Essen
Participating institution: Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics (Münster) - CRC 1348 "Dynamic Cellular Interfaces: Formation and Function" (2018 - 2025)
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Christian Klämbt (Münster/Faculty of Biology)
Participating departments and institutions: Faculties of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, and Medicine (Münster), Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine (Münster) - CRC 1459 "Intelligent matter: From responsive to adaptive nanosystems" (2021 - 2024)
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Bart Jan Ravoo (Münster/Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy)
Participating departments and institutions: Faculties of Chemistry und Pharmacy, Physics, and Medicine (Münster) - CRC 1451 "Key Mechanisms of Motor Control in Health and Disease" (2021 - 2024)
Coordination: University Hospital Cologne
Participating institution: Institute for Translational Neurosciences (Münster) - CRC 1002 "Modulatory Units in Heart Failure" (2017 - 2024)
Coordination: University Göttingen
Participating institution: Institute for Physiology II (Münster) - CRC 1382 "Gut-Liver Axis – Functional Circuits and Therapeutic Targets" (2022 - 2024)
Coordination: RWTH Aachen
Participating clinic: Department of Medicine B (Münster) - CRC 1190 "Compartmental Gates and Contact Sites in Cells" (2020 - 2024)
Coordination: University of Göttingen
Participating institution: Institute of cell dynamics and imaging (Münster)
- CRC-TRR 332 "Neutrophils: origin, fate, and function" (2022 - 2026)
Research Units
Research Units (FOR) are made up of a team of researchers working together on a research project and are funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Clinical Research Units (KFO) focus on the fields of disease-oriented research, patient-oriented research or translational issues.
Research Units coordinated by the Faculty of Medicine
- KFO 342 "Organ Dysfuncion During Systemic Inflammation" (2019 - 2026)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Alexander Zarbock (Münster) - KFO 326 "Male Germ Cells: from Genes to Function" (2017-2023)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Jörg Gromoll (Münster)
Research Units with Faculty of Medicine participation
- FOR 5427 "Bacterial renal infection and defense (BARICADE)" (2023-2026)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Florian Wagenlehner (Gießen)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project SP3 - Characterization of pyelonephritis and cystitis E. coli isolates – Comparison of bacterial traits involved in colonization of the lower or upper urinary tract - FOR 2722 "Novel molecular determinants for musculoskeletal extracellular matrix homeostasis – a systemic approach" (2018 - 2026)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Bent Brachvogel (Cologne)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TP05 – Matrix mediated fibroblast activation in rheumatoid arthritis - FOR 5211 "Persistent Somatic Symptoms Across Diseases: From Risk Factors to Modification" (2021-2025)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Bernd Löwe (Hamburg)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TP04 - Influence of Biological and Psychosocial Factors in the Persistence of Pruritus - FOR 2879 "ImmunoStroke: From immune cells to stroke recovery" (2019 - 2025)
Spokeperson: Prof. Dr. Christoph Kleinschnitz (Essen)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TPB2; Sub-Project TPC1 - FOR 2795 "Synapses under stress: Early events induced by metabolic failure at glutamatergic synapses" (2018 - 2025)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Christine R. Rose (Düsseldorf)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TP5 – Mechanisms of presynaptic dysfuntion under acute metabolic stress - FOR 5146 "FerrOs: Defining the osteohepatic axis in the context of iron homeostasis" (2020-2024)
Spokeperson: Prof. Dr. Martina Rauner (Dresden)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TP02 - TMPRSS6-mediated regulation of iron via cleavage of components of the bone morphogenetic protein signaling pathway in liver and bone - FOR 2690 "PRUSEARCH: Translational Pruritus Research" (2018 - 2024)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Martin Schmelz (Mannheim)
Deputy Spokesperson: Prof Dr. Dr. Sonja Ständer (Münster)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TP02 – Influence of Scratching on Skin Profiles in Chronic Pruritus Patients; Sub-Project TP04 – Pathophysiology of Neuropathic Pain and Itch; Sub-Project TP06 – Central Processing of Inflammatory, Neuropathic and Uremic Pruritus; Sub-Project TP Z – Translational Pruritus Research (PRUSEARCH): Central Information Infrastructure, Bioinformatics and Physical Biomaterial Bank
- KFO 342 "Organ Dysfuncion During Systemic Inflammation" (2019 - 2026)
Graduate Schools / Research Schools / Colleges
Research training programmes or “research schools” enable doctoral researchers to undertake their doctoral studies in a thematically focused field of science while completing a structured research training programme to develop professional skills and to gain key multidisciplinary qualifications.
- GRK 2515 "Chemical Biology of Ion Channels" (Chembion) (2019 - 2024)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wünsch
Participating Institutions: Chemistry und Pharmacy, Medicine - Otto Creutzfeldt Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience (OCC) (continuous)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Markus Junghöfer
Participating faculties: Medicine, Psychology, Biology - CiM-IMPRS Graduate Program (since 2013)
Cells in Motion (CiM) Graduate School and the International Max Planck Research School – Molecular Biomedicine (IMPRS-MBM) Joint Graduate Program
Participating faculties and institutions: Faculties of Biology, Medicine, and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine - Münster Graduate School of Evolution (MGSE) (since 2013)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gadau
Participating faculties: Biology, Medicine, Geo Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy
Medical Scientist Colleges offer a structured program for the promotion and establishment of natural scientists in the medical field. Within the framework of the College, specific patient-oriented research projects are addressed and further developed, accompanied by an interprofessional continuing education program.
- Else Kröner Medical Scientist College "InFlame" (2022 - 2026)
Spokesperson: Prof`in Dr. Perta Dersch
Participating faculties: Medicine, Chemistry and Pharmacy, and Mathematics and Computer Science, and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
- GRK 2515 "Chemical Biology of Ion Channels" (Chembion) (2019 - 2024)
Network of University Medicine (NUM)
In April 2020, the Network University Medicine (NUM) was established as part of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis management. The aim of the NUM is to better coordinate COVID-19 research at all 36 university hospitals in Germany by pooling the competencies, resources and research activities of those involved.
Further information about NUM can be found here (in German only).
The Innovation Fund of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)
Funding Line "New forms of health care"
New forms of health care as defined by the Innovation Fund are forms of health care that go beyond the previous standard care provided by the statutory health insurance system. Funding is provided for models that further develop cross-sectoral care and contain approaches to overcome the separation of the sectors, as well as those that optimise intra-sectoral interfaces.Projects coordinated at the Medical Faculty
EXPERT - Extremitätenboards zur Prozessoptimierung, Evaluation, Risikominimierung und Therapieoptimierung bei Frakturen mit Weichteilschäden oder post-operativer Infektion der unteren Extremitäten im Traumanetzwerk (2022 – 2026)
Coordination: PD Dr. Steffen Bernd Roßlenbroich, Department of Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
Consortium partners: AOK NordWest - The Health Insurance Company, BARMER, Specialized Clinic Hornheide e.V., OFFIS e. V., Steinbeis University gGmbH, Techniker Health Insurance, University Bielefeld
Research focus: no assignmentParkinson AKTIV - Parkinson: Aktivierende Therapien im innovativen Versorgungsnetz (2020 – 2024)
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Tobias Warnecke, Department of Neurology with Institute for Translational Neurology
Consortium partners: AOK NordWest - The Health Insurance Company, ECONUM Business Consulting GmbH, inav – Institute for Applied Health Services Research GmbH, Nuromedia GmbH
Research focus: "Neural Systems"Kompass D² - Komplikations-Management und Prävention im Ambulanten und Stationären Sektor – Demenz & Delir (2019 – 2023)
Coordination: Dr. Matthias Pawlowski, Department of Neurology with Institute for Translational Neurology
Consortium partners: University Bielefeld, St. Josef-Stift Sendenhorst, University Hospital Münster Marienhospital Steinfurt, Josephs-Hospital Warendorf, Clinic Rheine, Evangelical Hospital Johannisstift Münster gGmbH, DAK-Health, IKK classic, BARMER
Research focus: "Neural Systems"SALUS - Selbsttonometrie und Datentransfer bei Glaukompatienten zur Verbesserung der Versorgungssituation (2019 – 2023)
Coordination: Univ.-Prof´in Dr. Nicole Eter, Department of Ophthalmology
Consortium partners: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, University Bielefeld, Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Westphalia-Lippe, BARMER, DAK-Health, IKK classic
Research focus: "Vascular System"HörGeist - Ein Programm zur niedrigschwelligen Identifikation und Behandlung von Hörstörungen bei Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung (2020 – 2024)
Coordination: Univ.-Prof´in Dr. Katrin Neumann, Department of Phoniatrics and Pedaudiology
Consortium partners: AOK Rheinland/Hamburg, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen Research Institute for Medical Management GmbH (EsFoMed), University of Cologne, University Bremen
Research focus: no assignmentProjects with participation from the Medical Faculty
POET Pain - Prävention operationsbedingter anhaltender Schmerzen durch Einführung eines perioperativen „Transitional Pain Service" (2021 – 2024)
Coordination: Prof´in Dr. Claudia Sommer, German Pain Society e.V.
Consortium partner Münster: Univ.-Prof´in Dr. Ester Pogatzki-Zahn, Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy
Research focus: "Neural Systems"DNFM - Deutsches Netzwerk für Personalisierte Medizin (2021 - 2024)
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Nisar Malek, Center for Personalized Medicine of the University Hospital Tübingen
Consortium partner Münster: Univ.-Prof´in Dr. Annalen Bleckmann, Department of Medicine A and WTZ MS
Research focus: "Cell Differentiation, Regeneration and Neoplasia"CARE - Computer-assistierte Risiko-Evaluation in der Früherkennung psychotischer Erkrankungen (2021 – 2024)
Coordination: Prof´in Dr. Eva Meisenzahl-Lechner, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
Consortium partner Münster: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernard Baune, Department of Mental Health; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Romer, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Research focus: "Neural Systems"ZSE-DUO - Duale Lotsenstruktur zur Abklärung unklarer Diagnosen in Zentren für Seltene Erkrankungen (2018 – 2022)
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Helge Hebestreit, University Hospital Würzburg
Consortium partner Münster: Prof. Dr. Frank Rutsch, Department of General Pediatrics
Research focus: no assignmentCARE-FAM-NET - Kinder mit seltenen Erkrankungen, deren Geschwister und Eltern – Children affected by rare disease and their families – network (2018 – 2021)
Coordination: Prof´in Dr. Silke Wiegand-Grefe, Universtiy Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Consortium partner Münster: Prof. Dr. Frank Rutsch and Dr. Martina Monninger, Department of General Pediatrics
Research focus: no assignmentSANO - Strukturierte ambulante Nachsorge nach Schlaganfall (2018 – 2021)
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Armin Grau, Clinic Ludwigshafen
Consortium partner Münster: Prof. Dr. Jens Minnerup, Department of Neurology with Institute for Translational Neurology
Research focus: "Neural Systems"
Funding line "Health services research"
The task of health services research is to create the scientific basis for solutions for the design, organisation and financing of the health care system. Health services research is understood here as the scientific investigation of the supply of individuals and the population with health-related products and services under everyday conditions.Projects coordinated at the Medical Faculty
TrachCare – Eine Versorgungsanalyse zur Heil- und Hilfsmittelverordnung von tracheotomierten Kindern und Erwachsenen (2023 - 2026)
Coordination: Univ.-Prof´in Dr. Claudia Rudack, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Consortium partners: AOK - The Health Insurance Company for Niedersachsen, Kiel University, IKK classic, inav – Institute for Applied Health Services Research GmbH, Catholic Hospital Hagen gGmbH, Clinic Osnabrück GmbH
Research focus: no assignmentTHEON – Wirksamkeit einer Online-Intervall-Kleingruppentherapie für Kinder mit umschriebenen Sprachentwicklungsstörungen (2022 – 2025)
Coordination: Univ.-Prof´in Dr. Katrin Neumann, Department of Phoniatrics and Pedaudiology
Consortium partners: Essen Research Institute for Medical Management GmbH (EsFoMed) GmbH, Curative Education Therapeutic Centre gGmbH, University Bremen
Research focus: "Neural Systems"TRANSKIDS-CARE - Somatomedizinische Behandlung bei Geschlechtsdysphorie im Jugendalter: Verbesserung der Versorgung durch epidemiologische und gesundheitsökonomische Evidenz (2021 – 2024)
Coordination: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Romer, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Consortium partners: BARMER, Techniker Health Insurance, Universtiy Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Research focus: no assignmentBARGRU-II - Barrieren bei Gruppenpsychotherapeuten trotz modifizierter Psychotherapie-Richtlinie gegenüber der ambulanten Gruppenpsychotherapie in der GKV (2022 – 2023)
Coordination: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Gereon Heuft, Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy
Individual project
Research focus: "Neural Systems"VerSI-MS-PV - Versorgung sicher gestalten – Machbarkeitsstudie zur Eignung verschiedener Datenquellen als Grundlage der Verbesserung der Pharmakovigilanz innovativer Therapien am Beispiel der Multiplen Sklerose (2019 – 2023)
Coordination: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Berger, Institute of Epidemiology und Social Medicine
Consortium partners: BKK Umbrella association e.V., MS Research and Project Development gGmbH, Central Institute of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Paul-Ehrlich-Institute
Research focus: no assignmentProjects with participation from the Medical Faculty
PRO-P – Einfluss elektronischer Patient Reported Outcomes (ePROMs) bei operativer Therapie des Prostatakarzinoms auf den postoperativen Verlauf (2022 – 2025)
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Peter Albers, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
Consortium partner Münster: Dr. Philipp Papavassilis, Clinic for Urology and Paediatric Urology
Research focus: no assignmentHoT - Home treatment bei kindlicher und jugendlicher Anorexia nervosa [Pubertätsmagersucht] (2021 – 2025)
Coordination: Prof´in Dr. Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann, RWTH Aachen
Consortium partner Münster: PD Dr. Manuel Föcker, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Research focus: no assignmentInnoBRI - Optimierte Patientenversorgung durch innovative Baukonzepte zur Reduktion nosokomialer Infektionsübertragungen (2020 – 2023)
Coordination: Dr. Jan Holzhausen, Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina of Braunschweig
Consortium partner Münster: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andre Karch, Institute of Epidemiology und Social Medicine
Research focus: "Inflammation & Infection"PRO-Kind-Rheuma - Handlungs- und Therapie-Protokolle in der Kinderrheumatologie (2019 – 2022)
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Klaus Tenbrock, RWTH Aachen
Consortium partner Münster: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Föll, Department of Pediatric Rheumatology and Immunology
Research focus: "Inflammation & Infection"Empower-DSD - Entwicklung und Evaluation von interdisziplinären Informations- und Schulungskonzepten für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Varianten der Geschlechtsentwicklung (DSD) und ihren Eltern 2019 – 2022)
Coordination: Dr. Uta Neumann, Charité - University Medicine Berlin
Consortium partner Münster: PD Dr. Julia Rohayem, Centre for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology
Research focus: no assignmentCED-KQN – Big Data - eHealth - Verbesserung der Versorgung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen (2018 – 2021)
Coordination: PD Dr. Jan de Laffolie, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
Consortium partner Münster: Dr. Thomas Kaiser, Department of General Pediatrics
Research focus: "Inflammation & Infection"QUASCH - Ergebnisse qualitätsgesicherter Schlaganfallversorgung: Hessen im Vergleich zum übrigen Bundesgebiet (2018 – 2020)
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Max Geraedts, Philipps-University Marburg
Consortium partner Münster: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Berger, Institute of Epidemiology und Social Medicine
Research focus: "Neural Systems"Completed projects
Cluster of Excellence
Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence (EXC 1003 – CiM) – Imaging to Understand Cellular Behaviour in Organisms (11/2012 - 10/2019)
Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Lydia Sorokin (Spokesperson), Prof. Dr. Volker Gerke and Prof. Dr. Michael Schäfers; all Faculty of Medicine
Participating faculties and non-university institutions: Faculties of Medicine, Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Max Planck Institute for Molecular BiomedicineCollaborative Research Centres coordinated by the Faculty of Medicine
- CRC-TRR 58 "Fear, Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders" (2008 - 2020)
- CRC 492 "Extrazelluläre Matrix: Extracellular Matrix: Biogenesis, Assembly and Cellular Interactions" (2000 - 2011)
- CRC 293 "Mechanism of Inflammation: Interaction of Endothelen, Epithelen and Leukozyts" (1996 - 2008)
- CRC 556 "Heart failure and arrhythmias – from cell to bedside" (2000 - 2003)
- CRC 656 "Molecular Cardiovascular Imaging (MoBil) – From Mouse to Man" (2005 - 2017)
Collaborative Research Centres with Faculty of Medicine participation
- CRC 944 "Physiology and Dynamics of Cellular Microcompartments" (2011 - 2022)
Participating institutions: Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics and Institute of Cell Dynamics and Imaging - CRC 858 "Synergistic Effects in Chemistry - From Additivity towards Cooperativity" (2010 - 2021)
Participating departments and institutions: Faculties of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Biology, and Medicine - CRC 629 "Molecular cell dynamics: intracellular and cellular migration" (2003 - 2015)
Participating departments and institutions: Faculties of Biology, and Medicine - CRC 592 "Molecular cell dynamics: intracellular and cellular migration" (until 2012)
Freiburg in cooperation with Münster and Jerusalem - CRC-TRR 3 "Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsies" (2003 - 2012)
Bonn in cooperation with Berlin, Freiburg and Münster - CRC-TRR 34 "Pathophysiology of Staphylococci in the post-genomic era" (2010 - 2018)
Coordinators: Greifswald in cooperation with Tübingen, Würzburg and Münster
Research Units
- FOR 2107 "Neurobiology of affective disorders: A translational perspective on brain structure and function" (2014 - 2022)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Tilo Kircher (Marburg) and Prof. Dr. Dr. Udo Dannlowski (Münster) - FOR 2327 "VIROCARB: Glycans Controlling Non-Enveloped Virus Infections" (2016 - 2022)
Spokeperson: Prof. Dr. Thilo Stehle (Tübingen)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TP04 – The Functional Role of Glycosaminoglycan-Papillomavirus Interactions: Inhibition versus Activation - FOR 2325 "Interactions at the Neurovascular Interface" (2016 - 2021)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ralf H. Adams (MPI Münster)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TP04 – Physiological and patho-physiological roles of lymphatic endothelial cells in the meningeal layer of the zebrafish brain - FOR 1209 "Centre for Advanced Study in Bioethics" (2010 - 2019)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. T. Gutmann (Münster, Faculty of Law)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TP3 – The Consequentialism Debate Reflected by Modern Bioethics - FOR 1063 "Causation, Laws, Dispositions, and Explanation at the intersection of Science and Metaphysics" (2009 - 2016)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. A Hüttemann (Köln)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project P7 – Causes of Disease: Causality and Pathogenesis in Medicine - FOR 1336 "From monocytes to brain macrophages – conditions influencing the fate of myeloid cells in the brain" (2011 - 2015)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. J. Priller (Berlin) and Prof. Dr. M. Prinz (Freiburg)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project A3 – Role of transcription factor PU.1 in differentiation and function of peripheral macrophages - FOR 1041 "Germ cell potential" (2008 - 2015)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. J. Gromoll (Münster) - FOR 926 "Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Endocannabinoid System" (2013 - 2015)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Andreas Zimmer (Bonn) and Prof. Dr. Beat Lutz (Mainz)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project SP10 – Role of the cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) in neuroinflammation - FOR 1086: K2P-Channels - From Molecules to Physiology and Pathophysiology
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Daut (Marburg)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TP2 – Modulation, function and neuroprotective potential of TASK and TRESK channels in the central nervous system
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TP5 – Genetic variation in cardiac K2P channel genes and arrhythmia - FOR 655 "Prioritizing in Medicine: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis in Consideration of the Public Health Insurance System" (2007 - 2014)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. A. Diederich (Bremen)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project C03 – Prioritizing marginally effective treatments? An ethical analysis - KFO 201 "Polycystic Kidney Disease - from Model Organisms to Novel Therapies" (2008 - 2014)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Gerd Walz (Freiburg)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project 8 – NPHP-related polycystic kidney disease in man and mice - FOR 751 "The science of social stress (SOSS): Understanding the interaction of mind, brain and culture in the response and adaptation to stress" (2006 - 2013)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Th. Elbert (Konstanz)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine and Konstanz: Sub-Project A02 – Social Stress Effects on Emotional Perception an Associative Learning - FOR 2289 "Calcium homeostasis in neuroinflammation and -degeneration: New targets for therapy of multiple sclerosis?" (2015 - 2018)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ricarda Diem (Heidelberg)
Münster/Faculty of Medicine: Sub-Project TP8 – Endothelial calcium signals in the control of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration
Graduate Schools / Research Schools
- GRK 2220 "Evolutionary Processes in Adaptation and Disease" (EvoPAD) (2017 - 2021)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz
Participating faculties: Biology, Medicine, Philosophy - Human Centered Systems Security – North Rhine Westphalian Experts in Research on Digitalization (NERD NRW) (2017 - 2021)
Coordinator: Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Participating Institutions: Medical Faculty (Münster), FH MS, RWTH Aachen, FH Aachen, TH Köln, U Paderborn, Ruhr West University - GRK 1409 "Molecular interactions of pathogens with biotic and abiotic surfaces" (2006 - 2016)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. M. Alexander Schmidt (Faculty of Medicine)
Participating faculties: Medicine, Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy - IGRK 1549 "Molecular and Cellular Glyco-Sciences (MCGS). Understanding Structure/Function Relationships of Carbohydrate/Protein-Interactions" (2009 - 2014)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Bruno Moerschbacher (Faculty of Biology)
Participating faculties and institutions: Faculties of Biology, Medicine, Chemistry and Pharmacy, and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, University of Hyderabad (India) - Cell Dynamics and Disease (CEDAD) Research School (2008 - 2013)
Participating faculties and institutions: Faculties of Biology, Medicine, and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
G-BA Innovationsfonds
- OptAHF - Versorgungsoptimierung bei Kindern und Erwachsenen mit angeborenen Herzfehlern (2018 – 2022)
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard-Paul Diller, Department of Cardiology III
Consortium partners: National Register for Congenital Heart Defects, BARMER - GenderVasc - Geschlechtsspezifische reale Versorgungssituation von Patienten mit arteriosklerotischen kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen in Deutschland (2019 – 2022)
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Holger Reinecke, Department of Cardiology I
Consortium partners: AOK-Federal Association with the Scientific Institute of the AOK (WIdO) - ES-RiP - Evaluation der Strukturreform der Richtlinien-Psychotherapie – Vergleich von komplex und nicht-komplex erkrankten Patienten (2020 – 2022)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Johannes Kruse, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
Consortium partner Münster: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Gereon Heuft, Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy - TELnet@NRW - Telemedizinisches, intersektorales Netzwerk als neue digitale Struktur zur messbaren Verbesserung der wohnortnahen Gesundheitsversorgung (2017 – 2020)
Spokesperson: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gernot Marx, RWTH Aachen
Consortium partner Münster: PD Dr. Christian Juhra, Stabsstelle Telemedizin - BARGRU - Barrieren bei GruppenpsychotherapeutInnen gegenüber der ambulanten Gruppenpsychotherapie zu Lasten der GKV (2018 – 2020)
Spokesperson: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Gereon Heuft, Klinik für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie (Einzelprojekt) - QUASCH - Ergebnisse qualitätsgesicherter Schlaganfallversorgung: Hessen im Vergleich zum übrigen Bundesgebiet (2018 – 2020)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Max Geraedts, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Consortium partner Münster: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Berger, Institut für Epidemiologie und Sozialmedizin - CARE for CAYA - Präventionsprogramm für junge Patienten nach überstandener Krebserkrankung im Kindes-, Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter (2017 – 2020)
Spokesperson: Dr. med. Alexander Stein, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg (UKE)
Consortium partner Münster: Univ.-Prof´in Dr. Claudia Rössig, Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin -Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie-