Group members

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nina Neuhaus
Group Leader
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 56094
E-Mail: Nina Neuhaus

  • About me

    In my research group, we focus on the cellular and molecular properties of human spermatogonial stem cells. I find these cells fascinating, as they are the basis for lifelong sperm formation and the basis for stem cell-based approaches of re-fertilization.
    In the basic research projects, we analyze the molecular properties of human spermatogonia and their heterogeneity. We analyze these cells during development and compare their characteristics in tissues with normal spermatogenesis to the impaired situation in infertility patients. Methodologically, we use high-resolution analysis methods (e.g. single cell RNA sequencing, imaging approaches).
    The focus in the translational projects is the fertility preservation for boys  (Androprotect). As part of the Germany-wide network Androprotect, pre-pubertal boys, who are at risk of fertility loss, can cryopreserve immature testicular tissue. One focus of the translational projects is to analyze the number of stem cells in the different patient groups and to investigate to what extent this number may be influenced by the respective underlying diseases and / or treatments. This information is essential as the protocols that are under development for the generation of sperm from these tissues are based on these spermatogonial stem cells.

Vesna Bojovic
Tel.: +49 (0) 251 83 56101 
E-Mail: Vesna Bojovic

Dr. med. Jann-Frederik Cremers
Assistant Medical Director
Specialist for urology, andrology and tumour therapy,
Fellow of the European Board of Urology (FEBU)
Clinician of the European Academy of Andrology (EAA)

Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 56095
E-Mail: Jann-Frederik Cremers

  • About me

    I am an urologist and andrologist and am a senior physician responsible for the surgical part of the Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology.
    In my office hours I see patients with different andrological problems. One focus here are fertility disorders, which can have very different causes. As the responsible surgeon, I perform operations such as microsurgical testicular sperm extraction (mTESE) on patients with azoospermia. These sperm can then be used in the frame of artificial reproductive treatments. Thanks to the mTESE, many couples have the chance to fulfill their wish for parenthood. Scientifically, I am working in close collaboration with Prof. Dr. Neuhaus as I am interested in unveiling the underlying molecular mechanisms associated with impaired spermatogenesis, as this knowledge can perspectively help to improve the treatment of our patients.

Dr. Sara Di Persio
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 56099
E-Mail: Sara Di Persio

Linda Ebbert
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 58367
E-Mail: Linda Ebbert

Dr. med. Claudia Krallmann
Assistant Medical Director
Specialist for urology, andrology and general medicine
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 56095
E-Mail: Claudia Krallmann

Dr. rer. nat. Juan Manuel Paturlanne
Scientist ReproTrack.MS



  • About Me

    I’m a biochemist by training with a PhD in Biomedicine. Spermatogenesis and the male germline have been my main research focus since I was a graduate student. I’m fascinated by transcriptional regulation in testis, particularly in epigenetic and hormonal control of gene expression. My work focuses on molecular changes to the male germline occurring not only during physiological processes such as development and ageing, but also in the case of sex chromosome alterations and male infertility. I use a range of tools to answer my study questions, namely next generation sequencing, single-cell and high resolution methods, and bioinformatics analyses. Outside of work, I enjoy relaxing activities like origami and reading.


Jutta Salzig
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 56108
E-Mail: Jutta Salzig

Michelle Runkel
Master Student
E-Mail: Michelle Runkel

  • About me

    I am working as a technician in the histology laboratory. My work in this group involves many immunohistological stainings for the Androprotect program. This also includes the analyses of the tissue samples using a quantification program and data processing. I also support the clinic with the processing of tissue samples for the fertility center.

Nicole Terwort
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 58654  
E-Mail: Nicole Terwort