Coordination and management of the CRU326

Since 2017, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Gromoll from the Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology (CeRA) has been the spokesperson of our CRU326. Together with the coordinator, he is responsible for the research unit's general organisation and management.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Frank Tüttelmann from the Institute of Reproductive Genetics (IRG) is the research coordinator of our DFG-Clinical Research Unit 'Male Germ Cells: from Genes to Function' (CRU326). As head of the clinical research unit he is responsible for the overall coordination.
Dr. Cristin Beumer is the project manager of this clinical research unit. She is responsible for organising and coordinating all CRU-related events, meetings, seminars, and workshops as well as processing corresponding financial issues, personnel matters, and administrative tasks. Besides, she is in charge of the CRU’s everyday administration and operational management and administers tasks related to CRU events as well as the network’s public relations activities (website & Twitter, in particular).
Monika Möller from the Institute of Reproductive Genetics (IRG) supports the CRU management team as team assistant. Her main tasks include event management and accounting.
Moritz Voges works as a student assistant and offers support mainly with regard to the CRU’s public relations activities.