Institut für Physiologie II
Robert-Koch-Str. 27 b
T: 0251 / 83-55546

Curriculum vitae

Anthony Hessel is a Post-Doctoral research scientist at the Institute of Physiology II, University of Muenster (PI - Wolfgang A Linke). He holds a BSc (Allegheny College), MSc, and PhD (Northern Arizona University, PI - Kiisa Nishikawa) in biology with focuses on muscle physiology, biomechanics, and assistive device technologies. He was previously a postdoc at the Department of Movement Science, Ruhr University Bochum (PI – Daniel Hahn), where he studied lower-limb muscle function when augmented by the use of a passive assistive exoskeleton. His current research program focuses on understanding the role of the spring protein titin during skeletal muscle force production. He is currently operating under his own DFG grant (454867250) which is focused on studying the effects of targeted titin cleavage on skeletal muscle mechanics and structure. You can learn more via twitter (@HesselAnthony) or email (