CRU326/Repro.MS seminar hybrid format: Prof Dr. Christina Lill & Dr. Maria Schubert

It is our great pleasure to announce the November edition of our CRU326/Repro.MS Seminar series. We will welcome two guests to our hybrid format:

Prof. Dr. Christina Lill, Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Münster: 'Genetics and epigenetics of neurodegenerative diseases'

Dr. Maria Schubert, Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology, Münster: 'GWAS in male infertility - current status and outlook'


The seminar will take place in person on November 15, 1 - 2 PM. We shall meet at the lecture hall of the Dekanat of the Medical Faculty (Domagkstr. 3, building Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1 – D3, room no. 120.001). To enable external guests to attend, the seminar will be live-streamed via ZOOM.


Everyone is welcome to attend and will be provided the Zoom link by sending an email to !

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