7th CRU326 seminar with internal topics, presented by Prof. Omran and Prof. Strünker
Prof. Dr. Omran, Chief Medical Director of the Department of Genereal Pediatrics at the University Hospital Münster, Germany will talk about 'The role of outer dynein arm for male fertility' and Prof. Dr. Strünker, Head Researcher of Molecular Reproductive Physiology at the CeRA in Münster, Germany will tell an exciting story about 'Swimming against the current - a tale of the sperm-specific Ca2+channel CatSper'.
The seminar takes place at 4:15 pm in the library of the Center of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology (Albert Schweitzer Campus 1, building D11).
Das Seminar findet um 16:15 Uhr in der Bibliothek des Centrums für Reproduktionsmedizin & Andrologie statt.
Everyone is welcome!
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