11th CRU326 seminar with PD Dr. Astrid Jeibmann and Dr. Claudia Fricke
PD Dr. Astrid Jeibmann, Research Leader at the Institute for Neuropathology, Medical Faculty of the WWU Münster
Title of the talk: 'Technology platform Drosophila'
Dr. Claudia Fricke is a Heisenberg fellow and the Research Leader of the Evolution & Sexual Conflict Group at the Institute for Evolution & Biodiversity, Biological Faculty of the WWU Münster
Title of the talk: 'There is more to an ejaculate than just sperm - let's talk about peptides'
The seminar takes place at 1 pm in the lecture hall of the Institute of Human Genetics (Vesaliusweg 12-14).
Everyone is welcome!
For more information please contact malegermcells@ukmuenster.de.
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