IZKF Core Unit Proteomics
The Core Unit Proteomics is open to all scientists. Specialists assist in protein analyses with experiment design, mass spectrometry-based measurement and data mining.
Protein expression analysis, gel- or mass spectrometry-based
Multivariate statistics, principal component analysis, pathway analysis, biomolecular mass spectrometry, protein preparation
Bioprofiling using LC-MS and multivariate statistics
High CO2 levels drive the TCA cycle backwards towards autotrophy.
Working to use mass spectrometry to reduce the harm caused by COVID-19
The group König has been awarded the Transfer Prize 2014 of the WWU for the invention of
Comparative 2D Fluorescence Gel Electrophoresis. CoFGE gels are marketed by SERVA Electrophoresis under the brand name "Mercator".Press release Uni MS