Markus Missler
Prof. Dr. med.

Geschäftsführender Direktor
Institut für Anatomie & Molekulare Neurobiologie

Vesaliusweg 2-4 (PAN-Zentrum)
48149 Münster

Telefon: +49 (0) 251 83-50200
Telefax: +49 (0) 251 83-50248
Email: Markus Missler

  • Lebenslauf

    Titel:Prof. Dr. med.

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    1985 - 1992Studium der Humanmedizin, Georg-August Universität Göttingen & University College of London, UK
    1986 - 1991Studium der Philosophie (M.A. Studiengang), Georg-August Universität Göttingen
    1992Promotion (Dr. med.), Georg-August Universität Göttingen
    1992 - 1994Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Koordinator im Graduiertenkolleg, Göttingen
    1994Approbation, Ärztekammer Niedersachsen
    1994 - 1999Postdoctoral Fellow, Department for Molecular Genetics & HHMI, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
    1999 - 2004Leitung der unabhängigen Nachwuchsgruppe (BAT Ia) im SFB 406 (DFG), Zentrum Physiologie, Georg-August Universität Göttingen
    2004 - 2006Univ. Professor (C3), Genetik und Molekulare Neurobiologie, Institut für Biologie, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
    seit 2006Univ. Professur (W3), Anatomie und Molekulare Neurobiologie, Universitätsklinikum, Universität Münster


    1997 - 2001Deputy Receiving Editor, European Journal of Neuroscience


    Forschungsorganisationen: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); Kultusministerium Sachsen-Anhalt; MRC & Wellcome Trust, UK; Telethon Foundation, Italy; BMC-Uppsala, Sweden; National Science Foundation (NSF), USA
    Journals: Neuron, Nature Neuroscience, PNAS, Journal of Neuroscience, FEBSLetters, Neuroscience, European Journal of Neuroscience, Neuroscience Letters, Journal of Neurochemistry, and FASEB J
  • Publikationen

    Originalarbeiten (nur „peer-reviewed“):

    1. Missler, M., Wolff, J.R., Rothe, H., Heger, W., Merker, H.-J., Treiber, A., Scheid, R., and Crook, G.A. (1992) Developmental biology of the common marmoset: Proposal for a "postnatal staging". J. Med. Primatol. 21, 285-298. (MM ist auch „corresponding author“)
    2. Missler, M., Eins, S., Merker, H.-J., Rothe, H., and Wolff, J.R. (1993) Pre- and postnatal development of the primary visual cortex of the common marmoset. I. A changing space for synaptogenesis. J. Comp. Neurol. 333, 41-52. (MM ist auch „corresponding author“)
    3. Missler, M., Wolff, A., Merker, H.-J., and Wolff, J.R. (1993) Pre- and postnatal development of the primary visual cortex of the common marmoset. II. Formation, remodeling and elimination of synapses as overlapping processes. J Comp Neurol 333, 53-67. (MM ist auch „corresponding author“)
    4. Missler, M., Eins, S., Böttcher, H., and Wolff, J.R. (1994) Postnatal development of glial fibrillary acidic protein, vimentin and S100 protein in monkey visual cortex: Evidence for a transient reduction of GFAP-immunoreactivity. Dev Brain Res 82, 103-117.
    5. Wolff, J.R., Laskawi, R., Spatz, W.B., and Missler, M. (1994) Structural dynamics of synapses and synaptic components. Behav Brain Res 66, 13-20.  
    6. Ichtchenko, K., Hata, Y., Nguyen, T., Ullrich, B., Missler, M., Moomaw, C., and Südhof, T.C. (1995) Neuroligin 1: A splice-site specific ligand for α-neurexins. Cell 81, 435-443.
    7. Rosahl, T.W., Spillane, D., Missler, M., Herz, J., Selig, D.K., Wolff, J.R., Hammer, R.E., Malenka, R.C., and Südhof, T.C. (1995) Essential functions of synapsins I and II in synaptic vesicle regulation. Nature 375, 488-493. (MM ist „shared first author“)
    8. McMahon, H.T., Missler, M., Li, C., and Südhof, T.C. (1995) Complexins: Cytosolic proteins that regulate SNAP receptor function. Cell 83, 111-119.  
    9. Petrenko, A.G., Ullrich, B., Missler, M., Krasnoperov, V., Rosahl, T.W., and Südhof, T.C. (1996) Structure and evolution of neurexophilin. J Neurosci 16, 4360-4369.  
    10. Geppert, M., Khvotchev, M., Krasnoperov, V., Goda, Y., Missler, M., Hammer, R.E., Ichtchenko, K., Petrenko, A.G., and Südhof, T.C. (1998) Neurexin Iα is a major α-latrotoxin receptor that cooperates in α-latrotoxin action. J Biol Chem 273, 1705-1710.
    11. Missler, M., and Südhof, T.C. (1998) Neurexophilins form a highly conserved family of neuropeptide-like glycoproteins. J Neurosci 18(10), 3630-3638.
    12. Wolff, J.R., Stuke, K., Missler, M., Tytko, H., Schwarz, P., Rohlmann, A., and Chao, T.I. (1998) Autocellular coupling by gap junctions in cultured astrocytes: A new view on cellular autoregulation during process formation. Glia 24, 121-140.
    13. Missler, M., Hammer, R.E., and Südhof, T.C. (1998) Neurexophilin binding to α-neurexins: A single LNS-domain functions as independently folding ligand-binding unit. J Biol Chem 273, 34716-34723.
    14. Janz, R., Goda, Y., Geppert, M., Missler, M., and Südhof, T.C. (1999) SV2A and SV2B function as redundant Ca2+ regulators in neurotransmitter release. Neuron 24, 1003-1016.
    15. Verhage, M., Maia, A.S., Plomp, J.J., Brussard, A.B., Heeroma, J.H., Vermeer, H., Toonen, R., Hammer, R.E., van den Berg, T., Missler, M., Geuze, H.J., and Südhof, T.C. (2000) Synaptic assembly of the brain in the absence of neurotransmitter secretion. Science 287, 864-869.
    16. Safavi-Abbasi, S., Wolff, J.R., and Missler, M. (2001) Rapid morphological changes in astrocytes are accompanied by re-distribution but not quantitative changes of cytoskeletal proteins. Glia  36, 102-115.
    17. Missler, M., Zhang, W., Rohlmann, A., Kattenstroth, G., Hammer, R.E., Gottmann, K., and Südhof, T.C. (2003) α−Neurexins couple Ca2+ -channels to synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Nature 423, 939-948 . (MM ist auch „corresponding author“)
    18. Kattenstroth, G., Tantalaki, E., Südhof, T.C., Gottmann, K., and Missler, M. (2004) Postsynaptic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor function requires α−neurexins. PNAS 101, 2607-2612.  
    19. Zhang, W., Rohlmann, A., Sargsyan, V., Aramuni, G., Hammer, R.E., Südhof, T.C., and Missler, M. (2005) Extracellular domains of α-neurexins participate in regulating synaptic transmission by selectively affecting N- and P/Q-type Ca2+ -channels. J Neurosci 25:4330-4342.
    20. Beglopoulos, V., Montag-Sallaz, M., Rohlmann, A., Piechotta, K., Ahmad, M., Montag, D., and Missler, M. (2005) Neurexophilin 3 is highly localized in cortical and cerebellar regions and is functionally important for sensorimotor gating and motor coordination. Mol Cell Biol 25, 7278-7288.
    21. Sons, M.S., Busche, N., Strenske, N., Moser, T., Ernsberger, U., Mooren, F.C., Zhang, W., Ahmad, M., Steffens, H., Schomburg, E.D., Plomp, J.J., and Missler, M. (2006) α−Neurexins are required for efficient transmitter release and synaptic homeostasis at the mouse neuromuscular junction. Neurosci 138, 433-446.
    22. Dudanova, I., Sedej, S., Ahmad, M., Masius, H., Sargsyan, V., Zhang, W., Riedel, D., Angenstein, F., Schild, D., Rupnik, M., and Missler, M. (2006) Important contribution of α−neurexins to Ca2+ -triggered release of secretory granules. J Neurosci 26, 10599-10613.  
    23. Varoqueaux, F., Aramuni, G., Rawson, R., Mohrmann, R., Missler, M., Gottmann, K., Zhang, W., Südhof, T.C., and Brose, N. (2006) Neuroligins determine synapse maturation and function. Neuron 51, 741-754.
    24. Atasoy, D., Schoch, S., Ho, A., Nadasy, K.A., Liu, X., Zhang, W., Mukherjee, K., Nosyreva, E.D., Fernandez-Chacon, R., Missler, M., Kavalali, E.T., and Südhof, T.C. (2007) Deletion of CASK is lethal and impairs synaptic function. PNAS 104, 2525-2530.
    25. Dudanova, I., Tabuchi, T., Rohlmann, A., Südhof, T.C., and Missler, M. (2007) Deletion of α-neurexins does not cause a major impairment of axonal pathfinding or pynapse formation. J Comp Neurol 502, 261-274.
    26. Medrihan, L., Tantalaki, E., Sargsyan, G., Aramuni, G., Missler, M., and Zhang, W. (2007) Early postnatal changes in GABA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in the MeCP2 mouse model of Rett syndrome. (MM ist „corresponding author“)
    27. Medrihan, L., Fairless, R., Missler, M., Zhang, W., and Kilimann, M.W. (2007) Neurobeachin is essential for inhibitory synaptic transmission.
    28. Medrihan, L., Tantalaki, E., Aramuni, G., Sargsyan, V., Dudanova, I., Missler, M. and Zhang, W. (2008) Early defects of GABAergic synapses in the brain stem of a MeCP2 mouse model of Rett syndrome. J Neurophysiol 99(1), 112-121
    29. Fairless, R., Ahmad, M., Masius, H., Rohlmann, A., Heupel, K., Reissner, C., Dresbach, T. and Missler, M. (2008) Polarized targeting of neurexins to synapses is regulated by their c-terminal sequences. J Neuroscience 28(48): 12969-12981; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5294-07.2008
    30. Reissner, C., Klose, M., Fairless, R. and Missler, M. (2008) Mutational analysis of the neurexin/neuroligin complex reveals essential and regulatory components. PNAS 105(39), 15124-15129; doi: 10.1073/pnas.0801639105.
    31. Medrihan, L., Rohlmann, A., Fairless, R., Andrae, J., Döring, M., Missler, M., Zhang, W. and Kilimann, M.W. (2009) Neurobeachin, a protein implicated in membrane protein traffic and autism, is required for the formation and functioning of central synapses; J Physiol 587(21), 5095-5106; doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2009.178236.
    32. Biermann B., Ivankova-Susankova K., Bradaia A., Aziz S.A., Besseyrias V., Kapfhammer J.P., Missler M., Gassmann M. and Bettler B. (2010) The Sushi Domains of GABAB Receptors Function as Axonal Targeting Signals. J Neuroscience 30(4):1385–1394; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3172-09.2010
    33. Niesmann K., Breuer D., Brockhaus J., Born G., Wolff I., Reissner C., Kilimann M.W., Rohlmann A. and Missler M. (2011) Dendritic spine formation and synaptic function require neurobeachin; Nat. Commun. 2:557; doi: 10.1038/ncomms1565
    34. Duning K., Wennmann D.O., Bokemeyer A., Reissner C., Wersching H., Thomas C., Buschert J., Guske K., Franzke V., Floel A., Lohmann H., Knecht S., Brand S.M., Poter M., Rescher U., Missler M., Seelheim P., Propper C., Boeckers T.M., Makuch L., Huganir R., Weide T., Brand E., Pavenstadt H. and Kremerskothen J., (2013) Common exonic missense variants in the C2 domain of the human KIBRA protein modify lipid binding and cognitive performance. Transl Psychiatry 3:e272; doi: 10.1038/tp.2013.49
    35. Grayton H.M., Missler M., Collier D.A. and Fernandes C. (2013) Altered Social Behaviours in Neurexin 1a Knockout Mice Resemble Core Symptoms in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. PLoS ONE 8(6): e67114; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067114
    36. Runkel F., Rohlmann A., Reissner C., Brand S.M. and Missler M. (2013) Promoter-like sequences regulating transcriptional activity in neurexin and neuroligin genes. J Neurochem. 127(1):36-47; doi:10.1111/jnc.12372
    37. Biermann B., Sokoll S., Klueva J., Missler M., Wiegert J.S., Sibarita J.B., and Heine M. (2014) Imaging of molecular surface dynamics in brain slices using single-particle tracking. Nat Commun. 5:3024; doi: 10.1038/ncomms4024
    38. Repetto D., Camera P., Melani R., Morello N., Russo I., Calcagno E., Tomasoni R., Bianchi F., Berto G., Giustetto M., Berardi N., Pizzorusso T., Matteoli M., Di Stefano P., Missler M., Turco E., Di Cunto F. and Defilippi P. (2014) p140Cap Regulates Memory and Synaptic Plasticity through Src-Mediated and Citron-N-Mediated Actin Reorganization. J Neurosci. 34(4):1542-53; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2341-13.2014
    39. Born G., Breuer D., Wang S., Rohlmann A., Coulon P., Vakili P., Reissner C., Kiefer F., Heine M., Pape H.C., Missler M. (2014) Modulation of synaptic function through the α-neurexin-specific ligand neurexophilin-1. PNAS 111(13):E1274–E1283; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1312112111
    40. Reissner C., Stahn J., Breuer D., Klose M., Pohlentz G., Mormann M. and Missler M. (2014) Dystroglycan Binding to α-Neurexin Competes with Neurexophilin-1 and Neuroligin in the Brain. J Biol Chem 289(40):27585-27603; doi:10.1074/jbc.M114.595413
    41. Blanque A., Repetto D., Rohlmann A., Brockhaus J., Duning K., Pavenstädt H., Wolff I. and Missler M. (2015) Deletion of KIBRA, protein expressed in kidney and brain, increases filopodial-like long dendritic spines in neocortical and hippocampal neurons in vivo and in vitro. Front Neuroanat 9:13; doi: 10.3389/fnana.2015.00013
    42. Born G., Grayton H.M., Langhorst H., Dudanova I., Rohlmann A., Woodward B., Collier D., Fernandes C. and Missler M. (2015). Genetic targeting of NRXN2 in mice unveils role in excitatory cortical synapse function and social behaviors. Front Synaptic Neurosci 7:3; doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2015.00003
    43. Shen Y., Ge W.P., Li Y., Hirano A., Lee H.Y., Rohlmann A., Missler M., Tsien R., Jan L.Y., Fu Y.H., Ptáček L.J. (2015) Protein mutated in paroxysmal dyskinesia interacts with the active zone protein RIM and suppresses synaptic vesicle exocytosis. PNAS 112(10):2935-2941; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1501364112
    44. Lenders M., Hofschröer V., Schmitz B., Kasprzak B., Rohlmann A., Missler M., Pavenstädt H., Oberleithner H., Brand S.M., Kusche-Vihrog K., Brand E. (2015) Differential response to endothelial epithelial sodium channel inhibition ex vivo correlates with arterial stiffness in humans. J Hypertens 33(12):2455-62; doi:10.1097/HJH.0000000000000736
    45. Neupert C., Schneider R., Klatt O., Reissner C., Repetto D., Biermann B., Niesmann K., Missler M. and Heine M. (2015) Regulated Dynamic Trafficking of Neurexins Inside and Outside of Synaptic Terminals; J Neurosci 35(40):13629-47; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4041-14.2015
    46. Palm T., Bolognin S., Meiser J., Nickels S., Träger C., Meilenbrock R.L., Brockhaus J., Schreitmüller M., Missler M., Schwamborn J.C. (2015) Rapid and robust generation of long-term self-renewing human neural stem cells with the ability to generate mature astroglia; Sci Rep. 5:16321; doi: 10.1038/srep16321
    47. Martinelli D.C., Chew K.S., Rohlmann A., Lum M.Y., Ressl S., Hattar S., Brunger A.T., Missler M., Südhof T.C. (2016) Expression of C1ql3 in Discrete Neuronal Populations Controls Efferent Synapse Numbers and Diverse Behaviors; Neuron 91:1-18; doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.07.002
    48. Voigt A., Freund R., Heck J., Missler M., Obermair G.J., Thomas U., Heine M. (2016) Dynamic association of calcium channel subunits at the cellular membrane; Neurophotonics 3(4), 041809; doi: 10.1117/1.NPh.3.4.041809
    49. Hallmann A.L., Araúzo-Bravo M.J., Mavrommatis L., Ehrlich M., Röpke A., Brockhaus J., Missler M., Sterneckert J., Schöler H.R., Kuhlmann T., Zaehres H., Hargus G. (2017) Astrocyte pathology in a human neural stem cell model of frontotemporal dementia caused by mutant TAU protein; Sci Rep. 7:42991; doi: 10.1038/srep42991
    50. Repetto D., Brockhaus J., Rhee H.J., Lee C.K., Kilimann M.W., Rhee J. S., Northoff L.M., Guo W., Reissner C., Missler M. (2018) Molecular Dissection of Neurobeachin Function at Excitatory Synapses; Front Synaptic Neurosci 10:28; doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2018.00028
    51. Brockhaus J., Schreitmüller M., Repetto D., Klatt O., Reissner C., Elmslie K., Heine M., Missler M. (2018) α-Neurexins together with α2δ-1 auxiliary subunits regulate Ca2+ influx through CaV2.1 channels; J Neurosci 38(38):8277-8294; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0511-18.2018
    52. Geisler S., Schöpf C.L., Stanika R., Kalb M., Campiglio M, Repetto D, Traxler L, Missler M., Obermair G.J. (2019) Presynaptic α2δ-2 calcium channel subunits regulate postsynaptic GABAA-receptor abundance and axonal wiring; J Neurosci 39 (14) 2581-2605; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2234-18.2019
    53. Brockhaus J., Brüggen B., Missler M. (2019) Imaging and analysis of presynaptic calcium influx in cultured neurons using synGCaMP6f; Front Synaptic Neurosci 11:12; doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2019.00012
    54. Lin A.Y., Henry S., Reissner C., Neupert C., Kenny C., Missler M., Beffert U., Ho A. (2019) A rare autism-associated MINT2/APBA2 mutation disrupts neurexin trafficking and synaptic function; Sci Rep. 9:6024; doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42635-7
    55. Herich S., Schneider-Hohendorf T., Rohlmann A., Khaleghi Ghadiri M., Schulte-Mecklenbeck A., Zondler L., Janoschka C., Ostkamp P., Richter J., Breuer J., Dimitrov S., Rammensee H.G., Grauer O.M., Klotz L., Gross C.C., Stummer W., Missler M., Zarbock A., Vestweber D., Wiendl H., Schwab N. (2019) Human CCR5high effector memory cells perform CNS parenchymal immune surveillance via GZMK-mediated transendothelial diapedesis; Brain 142(11):3411-3427; doi: 10.1093/brain/awz301
    56. Bikbaev A., Ciuraszkiewicz-Wojciech A., Heck J., Klatt O., Freund R., Mitlöhner J., Lacalle S.E., Sun M., Repetto D., Frischknecht R., Ablinger C., Rohlmann A., Missler M., Obermair G.J., Di Biase V., Heine M. (2020) Auxiliary a2d1 and a2d3 Subunits of Calcium Channels Drive Excitatory and Inhibitory Neuronal Network Development; J Neurosci 40(25):4824-4841; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1707-19.2020
    57. Muellerleile J., Blistein A., Rohlmann A., Scheiwe F., Missler M., Schwarzacher S.W., Jedlicka P. (2020) Enhanced LTP of population spikes in the dentate gyrus of mice haploinsufficient for neurobeachin; Sci Rep. 10:16058; doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-72925-4
    58. Pan Y. E., Tibbe D., Harms F. L., Reissner C., Becker K., Dingmann B., Mirzaa G., Kattentidt-Mouravieva A. A., Shoukier M., Aggarwal S., Missler M., Kutsche K., and Kreienkamp H. J. (2020) Missense mutations in CASK interfere with neurexin binding and neurexin-induced oligomerization; J. Neurochem 157(4):1331-1350; doi: 10.1111/jnc.15215
    59. Heiden S., Siwek R., Lotz M.L., Borkowsky S., Schröter R., Nedvetsky P., Rohlmann A., Missler M., Krahn M.P. (2021) Apical‑basal polarity regulators are essential for slit diaphragm assembly and endocytosis in Drosophila nephrocytes; Cell Mol Life Sci 78(7):3657-3672; doi: 10.1007/s00018-021-03769-y
    60. Darici D., Reissner C., Brockhaus J., Missler M. (2021) Implementation of a fully digital histology course in the anatomical teaching curriculum during COVID-19 pandemic; Ann Anat 236:151718; doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2021.151718
    61. Schöpf C.L., Ablinger C., Geisler S.M., Stanika R.I., Campiglio M., Kaufmann W.A., Nimmervoll B., Schlick B., Brockhaus J., Missler M., Shigemoto R. and Obermair G.J. (2021) Presynaptic α2δ subunits are key organizers of glutamatergic synapses; PNAS 118(14):e1920827118; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1920827118
    62. Albert T.K., Interlandi M., Sill M., Graf M., Moreno N., Menck K., Rohlmann A., Melcher V., Korbanka S., Meyer Zu Hörste G., Lautwein T., Frühwald M.C., Krebs C.F., Holdhof D., Schoof M., Bleckmann A., Missler M., Dugas M., Schüller U., Jäger N., Pfister S.M., Kerl K. (2021) An extracellular vesicle-related gene expression signature identifies high-risk patients in medulloblastoma; Neuro Oncol 23(4):586-598; doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noaa254
    63. Klatt O., Repetto D., Brockhaus J., Reissner C., El Khallouqi A., Rohlmann A., Heine M., Missler M. (2021) Endogenous β-neurexins on axons and within synapses show regulated dynamic behavior; Cell Rep. 35(11):109266; doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109266
    64. William N., Reissner C., Sargent R., Darlington T.M., DiBlasi E., Li Q.S., Keeshin B., Callor W.B., Ferris E., Jerominski L., Smith K.R., Christensen E.D., Gray D.M., Camp N.J., Missler M., Williams M.E., Coon H. (2021) Neurexin 1 variants as risk factors for suicide death; Mol Psychiatry; doi: 10.1038/s41380-021-01190-2
    65. Ferdos S., Brockhaus J., Missler M., Rohlmann A. (2022) Deletion of β-Neurexins in Mice Alters the Distribution of Dense-Core Vesicles in Presynapses of Hippocampal and Cerebellar Neurons; Front. Neuroanat. 15:757017; doi: 10.3389/fnana.2021.757017
    66. Darici D., Missler M., Schober A., Masthoff M., Schnittler H., Schmitz M. (2022) "Fun slipping into the doctor's role" - The relationship between sonoanatomy teaching and professional identity formation before and during the Covid-19 pandemic; Anat Sci Educ. 15(3):447–463; doi: 10.1002/ase.2178
    67. Gass M.M., Borkowsky S., Lotz ML., Siwek R., Schröter R., Nedvetsky P., Luschnig S., Rohlmann A., Missler M., Krahn M.P. (2022) PI(4,5)P2 controls slit diaphragm formation and endocytosis in Drosophila nephrocytes; Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 79:248; doi: 10.1007/s00018-022-04273-7
    68. Ablinger C., Eibl C., Geisler S.M., Campiglio M., Stephens G.J., Missler M., Obermair G.J. (2022) α2δ-4 and Cachd1 Proteins Are Regulators of Presynaptic Functions; Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23(17), 9885; doi: 10.3390/ijms23179885
    69. Darici D., Schneider A.Y.D., Missler M., Pfleiderer B. (2023) Are stereotypes in decline? The portrayal of female anatomy in e-learning; Anat Sci Educ. 16(4):720–732; doi: 10.1002/ase.2211
    70. de Arce K.P., Ribic A., Chowdhury D., Watters K., Thompson G.J., Sanganahalli B.G., Lippard E.T.C., Rohlmann A., Strittmatter S.M., Missler M., Hyder F., Biederer T. (2023) Concerted roles of LRRTM1 and SynCAM 1 in organizing prefrontal cortex synapses and cognitive functions; Nat Commun 28;14(1):459; doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36042-w
    71. Darici D., Masthoff M., Rischen R., Schmitz M., Ohlenburg H., Missler M. (2023) Medical imaging training with eye movement modeling examples: A randomized controlled study; Medical Teacher 45(8):918–924; doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2189538
    72. Darici D., Reissner C., Missler M. (2023) Webcam-based eye-tracking to measure visual expertise of medical students during online histology training; GMS J Med Educ 40(5):Doc60; doi: 10.3205/zma001642
    73. Darici D., Flägel K., Sternecker K., Missler M. (2023) Transfer of learning in histology: Insights from a longitudinal study; Anat Sci Educ 17:274-286; doi: 10.1002/ase.2363
    74. Mohrmann L., Seebach J., Missler M., Rohlmann A. (2024) Distinct Alterations in Dendritic Spine Morphology in the Absence of  β-Neurexins; Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25(2), 1285; doi: 10.3390/ijms25021285  -  [ epub ahead of print ]
    75. Koumoundourou A., Rannap M., De Bruyckere E., Nestel S., Reissner C., Egorov A.V., Liu P., Missler M., Heimrich B., Draguhn A., Britsch S. (2024) Regulation of hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 synapse function by a Bcl11b/C1ql2/Nrxn3(25b+) pathway; eLife 12:RP89854; doi: 10.7554/eLife.89854
    76. Otto N., Böckers A., Shiozawa T., Brunk I., Schumann S., Kugelmann D., Missler M., Darici D. (2024) Profiling learning strategies of medical students: A person-centered approach; Med Educ. 58:1304–1314; doi: 10.1111/medu.15388
    77. Bostedt D., Dogan E.H., Benker S.C., Rasmus M.A., Eisner E., Simon N.L., Schmitz M., Missler M., Darici D. (2024) Interprofessional socialization of first-year medical and midwifery students: effects of an ultra-brief anatomy training; BMC Med Educ. 24:464; doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-05451-w
    78. Brockhaus J., Kahl I., Ahmad M., Repetto D., Reissner C., Missler M. (2024) Conditional Knockout of Neurexins Alters the Contribution of Calcium Channel Subtypes to Presynaptic Ca2+ Influx; Cells 13(11), 981; doi: 10.3390/cells13110981  -  [ epub ahead of print ]
    79. Bellstedt, M., Holtrup, A., Otto, N., Berndt, M., Scherff, A. D., Papan, C., Robitzsch, A., Missler, M., Darici D. (2024) Gaze cueing improves pattern recognition of histology learners; Anat Sci Educ 00:1-12; doi: 10.1002/ase.2498
    80. Lorenz J., Zevano J., Otto N., Schneider B., Papan C., Missler M., Darici D. (2024); Looking at Social Interactions in Medical Education with Dual Eye-Tracking Technology: A Scoping Review. MedEdPublish 14:215;  DOI: 10.12688/mep.20577.2

    Übersichtsarbeiten („peer-reviewed“):

    1. Wolff, J.R., and Missler, M. (1992) Synaptic reorganization in developing and adult nervous systems. Ann Anat 174, 393-403.
    2. Wolff, J.R., and Missler, M. (1993) Synaptic remodeling and elimination as integral processes of synaptogenesis. APMIS (Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica) 101, 9-23.
    3. Missler, M., and Südhof, T.C. (1998) Neurexins: three genes and 1001 gene products. Trends Genet 14, 20-26.
    4. Missler, M., Fernandez-Chacon, R., and Südhof, T.C. (1998) The making of neurexins. J Neurochem 71, 1339-1347.
    5. Missler, M. (2003) Synaptic cell adhesion goes functional. Trends Neurosci 26, 176-178.
    6. Piechotta, K., Dudanova, I., and Missler, M. (2006) The resilient synapse: insights from genetic interference with synaptic cell adhesion molecules. Cell Tissue Res 326, 617-642.
    7. Reissner, C. and Missler, M. (2011) Unveiled alpha-Neurexins Take Center Stage. Structure 19(6): p. 749-50; doi:10.1016/j.str.2011.05.005
    8. Missler M., Südhof T.C. and Biederer T. (2012) Synaptic Cell Adhesion. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 4(4): a005694; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005694
    9. Reissner C., Runkel F. and Missler M., (2013) Neurexins. Genome Biology 14(9):213; doi: 10.1186/gb-2013-14-9-213
    10. Reissner C. and Missler M. (2014) MAGUKs end a tale of promiscuity. PNAS 111(49):17350–17351; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1420387111


    1. Wolff, J.R., and Missler, M. (1989): Synaptogenesis in the visual cortex of the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Non-Human Primates - Developmental Biology and Toxicology (Eds.: Neubert, D., Merker, H.-J., Hendrickx, A.G.). Ueberreuther Wissenschaft, Wien - Berlin, pp. 273-282.
    2. Fairless, R., Reissner, C., and Missler, M. (2006) Role of neuroligin binding to neurexins in synaptic organization. In Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptogenesis, (Eds. A. Dityatev, A. El-Husseini) Springer, New York, pp. 111-124
    3. Ahmad, M., and Missler, M. (2007) Key molecules: Neurexins. In The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, (Ed. L.R. Squire) Elsevier, Oxford
  • Stipendien & Auszeichnungen

    1990Stipendium, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
    1992 - 1994Stipendium, Graduiertenkolleg, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
    1994 - 1996Stipendium für Postdoktoranden, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
    1996 - 1998Stipendium für Postdoktoranden, Max-Planck Gesellschaft (MPG)
    1999 - 2004DFG Nachwuchsgruppe
    2004Nominierung für den Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Förderpreis für junge Hochschullehrer durch die Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
  • Mitgliedschaften

    • Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
    • Anatomische Gesellschaft
    • Society of Neuroscience, USA
    • American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, USA
    • American Society for Microbiology, USA
    • Assoziiertes Mitglied im European Institute of Neuroscience (ENI), Göttingen