NDP-MSH inhibits the progression of ongoing EAE. MRI of brains from NDPMSH–treated mice and controls at disease maximum. Two representative images of a multiplanar reconstruction per group are shown. Signal enhancement in the brain due to contrast agent accumulation is marked by white arrows. - © C. Faber / K. Loser Dieses zentrale Projekt bietet dem SFB alle erforderlichen Geräte, Methoden und Protokolle für:
- ex vivo Analysen von Zellen in zellulären sowie Tiermodellen, unter der Verwendung von State-of-the-art Methoden des Flow Cytometry Imaging;
- nicht-invasive in vivo Bildgebung mittels MRT.
Neue MRT Methoden werden entsprechend den Anforderungen der einzelnen Teilprojekte entwickelt für die Detektion einzelner Zellen, die ultra-hoch aufgelöste Darstellung von Zellmigration in der Haut, die Detektion infiltrierender Immunzellen in der Lunge oder die simultane Darstellung von Immunzellen und Pathogenen.
- Armstrong M, Wilken E, Freppon F, Masthoff M, Faber C, Xiao D (2023) Dynamic cell tracking using time-lapse MRI with variable temporal resolution Cartesian sampling. Magn Reson Med 90: 2443-2453. doi:10.1002/mrm.29796
- von Wulffen M, Luehrmann V, Robeck S, Russo A, Fischer-Riepe L, van den Bosch M, van Lent P, Loser K, Gabrilovich DI, Hermann S, Roth J, Vogl T (2023) S100A8/A9-alarmin promotes local myeloid-derived suppressor cell activation restricting severe autoimmune arthritis. Cell Rep. 42(8):113006. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113006
- Hoffmann E, Gerwing M, Niland S, Niehoff R, Masthoff M, Geyer C, Wachsmuth L, Wilken E, Holtke C, Heindel WL, Hoerr V, Schinner R, Berger P, Vogl T, Eble JA, Maus B, Helfen A, Wildgruber M, Faber C (2023) Profiling specific cell populations within the inflammatory tumor microenvironment by oscillating-gradient diffusion-weighted MRI. J Immunother Cancer 11, doi: 10.1136/jitc-2022-006092
- Hoffmann E, Schache D, Holtke C, Soltwisch J, Niland S, Krahling T, Bergander K, Grewer M, Geyer C, Groeneweg L, Eble JA, Vogl T, Roth J, Heindel W, Maus B, Helfen A, Faber C, Wildgruber M, Gerwing M, Hoerr V (2023) Multiparametric chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI detects metabolic changes in breast cancer following immunotherapy. J Transl Med 21: 577, doi: 10.1186/s12967-023-04451-6
- von Wulffen M, Luehrmann V, Robeck S, Russo A, Fischer-Riepe L, van den Bosch M, van Lent P, Loser K, Gabrilovich DI, Hermann S, Roth J, Vogl T (2023) S100A8/A9-alarmin promotes local myeloid-derived suppressor cell activation restricting severe autoimmune arthritis. Cell Rep. 42(8):113006. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113006
- Wolf M, Joseph R, Austermann J, Scharrnbeck-Davis C, Hermann S, Roth J & Vogl T (2023) S100A8/S100A9 Integrates F-Actin and Microtubule Dynamics to Prevent Uncontrolled Extravasation of Leukocytes. Biomedicines, 11(3), 835. doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines11030835
- Jauch-Speer SL, Herrera-Rivero M, Ludwig N, Véras De Carvalho BC, Martens L, Wolf J, Imam Chasan A, Witten A, Markus B, Schieffer B, Vogl T, Rossaint J, Stoll M, Roth J, Fehler O. (2022) C/EBPδ-induced epigenetic changes control the dynamic gene transcription of S100a8 and S100a9. eLife, 11, e75594. doi: 10.7554/eLife.75594.
- Russo A, Schürmann H, Brandt M, Scholz K, Matos ALL, Grill D, Revenstorff J, Rembrink M, von Wulffen M, Fischer-Riepe L, Hanley PJ, Häcker H, Prünster M, Sánchez-Madrid F, Hermann S, Klotz L, Gerke V, Betz T, Vogl T, Roth J. (2022) Alarming and Calming: Opposing Roles of S100A8/S100A9 Dimers and Tetramers on Monocytes. Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany), 9(36), e2201505. doi.org/10.1002/advs.202201505
- Schürmann H, Abbasi F, Russo A, Hofemeier AD, Brandt M, Roth J, Vogl T & Betz T. (2022) Analysis of monocyte cell tractions in 2.5D reveals mesoscale mechanics of podosomes during substrate-indenting cell protrusion. Journal of cell science, 135(10), jcs259042. doi:10.1242/jcs.259042
- Schwarz C, Buchholz R, Jawad M, Hoesker V, Terwesten-Solé C, Karst U, Linsen L, Vogl T, Hoerr V, Wildgruber M & Faber C (2022) Fingerprints of Element Concentrations in Infective Endocarditis Obtained by Mass Spectrometric Imaging and t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding. ACS infectious diseases, 8(2), 360–372.. doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.1c00485.
- Christmann C, Zenker S, Martens L, Hübner J, Loser K, Vogl T, Roth J (2021) Interleukin 17 promotes expression of alarmins S100A8 and S100A9 during the inflammatory response of keratinocytes. Front Immunol. 11:599947. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.599947
- Freise N, Burghard A, Ortkras T, Daber N, Chasan AI, Jauch S, Fehler O, Hillebrand J, Schakaki M, Rojas J, Grimbacher B, Vogl T, Hoffmeier A, Martens S, Roth J, Austermann J (2019) Regulatory signaling mechanisms of phagocyte re-programming during systemic vascular inflammation. Blood 134:134-146.
- Masthoff M, Buchholz R, Beuker A, Wachsmuth L, Kraupner A, Albers F, Freppon F, Helfen A, Gerwing M, Höltke C, Hanson U, Rehkämper J, Vielhaber T, Heindel W, Eisenblaetter M, Karst U, Wildgruber M, Faber C (2019) Introducing specificity to iron oxide nanoparticle imaging by combining 57Fe-based MRI and mass spectrometry. Nano Lett 19(11):7908-7917.
- Breuer J, Loser K, Mykicki N, Wiendl H, Schwab N. Does the environment influence multiple sclerosis pathogenesis via UVB light and/or induction of vitamin D? J Neuroimmunol. 2018 May 18. pii: S0165-5728(17)30478-2.
- Masthoff M, Gran S, Zhang X, Wachsmuth L, Bietenbeck M, Helfen A, Heindel W, Sorokin S, Roth J, Eisenblätter M, Wildgruber M, Faber C (2018). Temporal window for detection of inflammatory disease using dynamic cell tracking with timelapse MRI, Sci Rep 8:9563
- Breuer, J, Herich S, Schneider-Hohendorf T, Chasan AI, Wettschureck N, Gross CC, Loser K, Zarbock A, Roth J, Klotz L, Wiendl H, and Schwab N. (2017) Dual-action by dimethyl fumarate synergistically reduces adhesion to human endothelium. Multiple Scler. J. 1352458517735189.
- Vogl T, Stratis A, Wixler V, Völler T, Thurainayagam S, Jorch SK, Zenker S, Dreiling A, Chakraborty D, Fröhling M, Paruzel P, Wehmeyer C, Hermann S, Papantonopoulou O, Geyer C, Loser K, Schäfers M, Ludwig S, Stoll M, Leanderson T, Schultze JL, König S, Pap T, Roth J. Autoinhibitory regulation of S100A8/S100A9 alarmin activity locally restricts sterile inflammation. J Clin Invest. 2018 May 1;128(5):1852-1866. doi: 10.1172/JCI89867.
- Wegner J, Loser K, Apsite G, Nischt R, Eckes B, Krieg T, Werner S, Sorokin L (2016) Laminin alpha5 in the keratinocyte basement membrane is required for epidermal-dermal intercommunication. Matrix Biol. 56:24-41.
- Klasen T, Faber C (2016). Assessment of the myelin water fraction in rodent spinal cord using T2-prepared ultrashort echo time MRI. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 1-10.
- Mykicki N, Herrmann AM, Schwab N, Deenen R, Sparwasser T, Limmer A, Wachsmuth L, Klotz L, Köhrer K, Faber C, Wiendl H, Luger TA, Meuth SG, Loser K (2016). Melanocortin-1 receptor activation is neuroprotective in mouse models of neuroinflammatory disease. Sci Transl Med, 8 (362): 362ra146.
- O'Halloran PJ, Viel T, Murray DW, Wachsmuth L, Schwegmann K, Wagner S, Kopka K, Jarzabek MA, Dicker P, Hermann S, Faber C, Klasen T, Schäfers M, O'Brien D, Prehn J HM, Jacobs AH, Byrnel AT (2016). Machanistic interrogation of combination Bevacizumab/dual P13K/m TOR inhibitor response in Glioblastoma implementing novel MR and PET imaging biomarkers. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 43(9): 1673-1683.
- Song J, Wu C, Agrawal S, Korpos E, Wang Y, Faber C, Schäfers M, Körner H, Opdenakker G, Hallmann R, Sorokin L (2015) Focal MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity at the blood-brain barrier (BBB) promotes chemokine-induced leukocyte migration. Cell Reports 10 (7): 1040-1054.[doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.01.037] Epub 2015 Feb 19.
- Hoerr V, Faber C (2014) Magnetic resonance imaging characterization of microbial infections. J Pharm Biomed Anal 93: 136-146.
- Schmidt R, Nippe N, Strobel K, Masthoff M, Reifschneider O, Castelli DD, Höltke C, Aime S, Karst U, Sunderkötter C, Bremer C, Faber C (2014) Highly Shifted Proton MRI - Cell tracking by direct detction of paramagnetic compounds. Radiology 272(3): 785-795. (doi: 10.1148/radiol.14132056. Epub 2014 May 18)
- Hoerr V, Tuchscherr L, Hüve J, Nippe N, Loser K, Glyvuk N, Tsytsyura Y, Holtkamp M, Sunderkötter C, Karst U, Klingauf J, Peters G, Löffler B, Faber C (2013) Bacteria tracking by in vivo magnetic resonance imaging. BMC Biol 11: 63. [doi: 10.1186/1741-7007-11-63]
Nicht-invasive Bildgebung, Zell-Tracking und funktionelle Analysen an zellulären Barrieren
Forschungsgebiet: Kleintier-MRI, subzelluläre Bildgebung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Cornelius Faber (07/2012 - 06/2024)
Prof. Dr. Johannes Roth (07/2016 - 06/2024)
Prof. Dr. Karin Loser (07/2016 - 06/2020)
Projektlaufzeit: Juli 2012 - Juni 2024