
Bidirectional analysis of the relationship between subclinical arteriosclerosis and depression

The BiDirect Study is a prospective cohort study that investigates the bidirectional relationship between depression and arteriosclerosis in more than 2200 individuals. The aim of the study is to clarify whether patients with depression have an increased risk to develop arteriosclerosis and, in turn, whether patients with arteriosclerosis are at increased risk to get depression.To this end, BiDirect uses several vascular, neuropsychological, and psychiatric diagnostic procedures and examinations in order to quantify the degree of arteriosclerosis and to determine the depression subtype.The BiDirect Study is conducted in collaboration with the Department for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy and the Department of Clinical Radiology of the university of Münster.Several sub-projects of BiDirect address e.g. the topics lifestyle and nutrition, aging of the brain, cognition, pain, and sleep.


Contact person: Henning Teismann
Coordination: Klaus Berger, Heike Minnerup
Funding: BMBF
State: The 1. funding period (baseline-examination, 1. follow-up examination) was successfully completed in January 2016. The 2. funding period (2. and 3. follow-up examination) started in February 2016 and will be completed in January 2022.