
The institute is working on varied projects and research interests. We are dealing with numerous topics and clinical pictures and are also working on new epidemiological methodologies. Apart from working on our own projects we are also involved in other studies by cooperating with regard to conducting the studies and data analysis.

Main Research

Ageing processes of the brain Imaging@BiDirect
Arteriosclerosis BiDirect
Breast cancer ZEBra-MSP, LnB
Depression BiDirect
Diabetes Typ II Interact, DIAB-Core, D-2-C-Study
Nutrition and Lifestyle Lifestyle@BiDirect
Genetics Genetics@DGS
Cardiovascular diseases SCORE
Cognition and Pain Cognition@BiDirect
Cancer, different types D-2-C-Study, RubberWorker
Macular degeneration MARS
Migraine and other types of headache "Kopfschmerzstudie"
Multiple sclerosis REGIMS, VerSi-MS-PV
Living kidney donation SOLKID
Prostate cancer PSA-Inform
Restless Legs Syndrom COR-Study
Quality of sleep Sleep@BiDirect
Apoplectic stroke QS Schlaganfall NWD, Thrombektomie-Register (REVASK)
Widespread diseases NAKO

Completed projects

Information on completed projects can be found here.