The building of the Institute of Anatomy in Münster was devised by the architect Friedrich Knolle and the Institute’s director at that time, Prof. Dr.Dr. Hellmut Becher, and was opened in 1953/54.
On the occasion of its opening celebration, it was referred to as “the most beautiful Institute of Anatomy” worldwide. Even by more modest standards, the building constituts a fine example of the representative public architecture of the 50ies, displaying generous foyers and stairways. Highlights include a 420-seat lecture hall, a museum-like Anatomical Collection, an all-wooden library and painted glas windows in the entrance hall designed by the local artist Vincenz Pieper.
Today the institute is the center of preclinical teaching of the Medical School, and houses lecture halls with modern audiovisual equipment, course rooms for gross anatomy and histolgy, and seminar rooms. Because of these suitable facilities, the facility is often used for holding scientific and clinical congresses and symposia during off-term and weekends. During those events the Anatomical Collection of the Institute with its historical and modern preparations is open to the participants and on request also in guided tours to the interested public.