Anatomical Donors
Our Institute coordinates the Anatomical Body Donor program of the University of Münster Medical School. We accept whole-body anatomical donations on an ongoing basis - please refer to our German language websites ("Körperspende") for details. Teaching Human Anatomy by using body donations is a key element in many countries worldwide to help medical students to gain the detailed knowledge of the human body that is essential to become excellent surgeons and physicians. We highly appreciate the valueable donations made by our program participants and also ackknowledge the understanding of their families. Through the generosity of their donations, body donors directly contribute to the advancement of medical education and biomedical research.
To learn more about our Anatomical Body Donor Program, please contact:
Universität Münster
Institut für Anatomie und Molekulare Neurobiologie
- Körperspendewesen -
Vesaliusweg 2-4
48149 Münster, Germany
Phone: +49 251 / 83 5 52 00
Fax: +49 251 / 83 5 23 69