Dr. rer. nat. Johanna Kuß

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Tel.: +49 (251) 83 - 54847
E-Mail: Johanna Kuß
University training and degree
2008 – 2011 Studies of Biochemistry, Focus on Molecular medicine, Ruhr University Bochum, Master of Science 2005 – 2008 Studies of Biochemistry, Ruhr University Bochum, Bachelor of Science Advanced academic qualifications
2011 – 2015 PhD Student, Institute of genetics of heart disease (IfGH), University Hospital Münster; Thema: Functional characterization of gene mutations in congenital disorders of cardiac excitation and conduction Postgraduate professional career
2022 – Scientist, Institute of Reproductive Genetics (IRG) Münster 2019 – 2022 Scientist, Arrows Biomedical GmbH, Münster 2016 – 2019 Scientist (Medical Affairs), Pharmore GmbH, BA Unternehmensgruppe Ibbenbüren 2015 – 2016 Scientist, Institute of genetics of heart disease (IfGH), University Hospital Münster Selected publications
- Kuß J*, Stallmeyer B*, Goldstein M, Rinné S, Pees C, Zumhagen S, Seebohm G, Decher N, Pott L, Kienitz MC, Schulze-Bahr E. Familial Sinus Node Disease Caused by a Gain of GIRK (G-Protein Activated Inwardly Rectifying K+ Channel) Channel Function. Circ Genom Precis Med. 12(1): e002238, 2019.
- Stallmeyer B*, Kuß J*, Kotthoff S, Zumhagen S, Vowinkel K, Rinne S, Matschke LA, Friedrich C, Schulze-Bahr E, Rust S, Seebohm G, Decher N, Schulze-Bahr E. A Mutation in the G-Protein Gene GNB2 Causes Familial Sinus Node and Atrioventricular Conduction Dysfunction. Circ Res. 120: e33-e44, 2018.
* contributed equally