9. Expression profiling of pH-regulatory and -sensitive transportome: epigenetic analysis and correlation with clinical parameters

In this project we will: (1) determine the expression profile of the pH-regulatory and-sensitive transportome (e.g. TRPM7, TRPC1, Kv10.1, KCa 3.1, K2P, Orai, NaHE1, PIEZO1….) in human PDAC tissues; (2) correlate their expression with clinical parameters (e.g. Ki67, staging, outcome, treatment, survival, relapse), (3) assess the epigenetic alterations (e.g. methylatin) of the genes coding these channels and transporters,  and (4) analyse the in vitro and in vivo roles of selected transporters in PDAC and/or stroma cells, in association with their epigenetic dysregulation.