pHioniC Workshop in Pistoia, IT in May 2022

The 3rd pHioniC Workshop and the 7th Progress Meeting were held in Pistoia, IT on 12 & 13 May, 2022.
We very much enjoyed meeting each other after a long time to discuss the projects and exchange ideas. A big thank to all invited speakers including Ali Stunt from the Pancreatic Cancer Action for joining our meeting and giving inspiring presentations.
European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2021

The in-person European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2021 took place from 24-27 August 2021 in Göttingen, DE ( pHioniC contributed with posters and talks given by Ganga Deshar and Madelaine Audero. Congratulations to our ESRs Micol Rugi and Jakub Mitręga for winning a poster prize!
Furthermore, a pre-symposium about pancreatic cancer together with the ITNs PRECODE ( and PAVE ( took place on 23-24 August.
Image source: Michael Weilandt
pHioniC Progress Meeting March 2021

Another pHioniC Progress Meeting had to be held online via Zoom. Nonetheless, we very much enjoyed meeting each other to discuss the projects and exchange ideas. Thank you very much to all invited speakers and members from the Scientific Advisory Board for joining our meeting.
pHioniC Progress Meeting November 2020

The third pHioniC Progress Meeting took place online due to the Covid-19 pandemia. Thanks to all members for a great and fruitful Meeting! We take the challenges of 2020 for new roads of interaction and scientific exchange.
pHioniC Meeting in Florence (IT)

The pHioniC group met in Florence (IT) for a Workshop, Progress Meeting and Mid-Term Check on 05-07 February, 2020.
The Workshop included scientific training in theory and practice for our 15 PhD students. Round table discussions and presentations covered open science and gender awareness. Many thanks to Prof. Annarosa Arcangeli and her team for organizing this event.
1st pHioniC Summer School

Prof. Natalia Prevarskaya and Prof. Alessandra Fiorio Pla hosted a great 1st Summer School of pHioniC at the LILIAD Learning Center in Lille (France). The 2-day Meeting brought together all members of the pHioniC consortium for the first time.
We heard scientific presentations from invited speakers, pHioniC PIs and the doctoral students. Moreover, Ali Stunt from the Pancreatic Cancer Action gave an informative talk on pancreatic cancer from the patient’s point of view.
pHioniC Kick-Off Meeting in Frankfurt a. Main (Germany)