Five more pilot projects granted by this Clinical Research Unit

For the first time, the Management Board of the CRU326 decided to support five exiting projects at once!
The funding received members from 3 CRU labs. In addition, two external teams with CRU-affiliated topics were supported: 

Kim Westerich (PhD student), Institute of Cell Biology, ZMBE

'Establishing state-of-the-art approaches to study RNA and protein expression in the germline of a live vertebrate model organism'

Dr. rer. nat. Eva Maria Mall, Max Planck Insitute for moleculare Biomedicine

'Knockout of infertility associated genes in human pluripotent stem cells via the CRISPR/Cas9 system' 

Dr. med. Johanna Raidt and Isabella Aprea (PhD student), Clinics of General Paediatric, UKM

'Characterisation of radial spokes in human sperm flagella'

PD Dr. Astrid Jeibmann and Dr. Claudia Fricke, Institute for Neuropathology and Institute for Evolution & Biodiversity, external

'Environmental toxins and male fertility – Is the fly a suitable model for a comprehensive approach from germ cells to accessory glands?' 

Dr. rer. nat. Juan M Vaqueriza, Max Planck Insitute for moleculare Biomedicine, external

'Structural characterization of chromatin conformation in male infertility'