The FluResearchNet organises every two years the International Influenza Meeting in Münster, Germany.
As the meetings are of big interest we will continue the tradition of the International Influenza Meetings after the funding period of the FluResearchNet ended.
The 9th International Influenza Meeting will take place September, 5th to 7th, 2024.
You can find more information about the events of the FluResearchNet hereafter:
Upcoming Events:
9th International Influenza Meeting 2024
September, 5th - 7th 2024
University of Muenster
Schlossplatz 2
48149 Muenster - Germany
Local Organizing Committee
Dr. Yvonne Börgeling l Muenster
Dr. Linda Brunotte l Muenster
Prof Dr. Stephan Ludwig l Muenster
Dr. Friederike Jansen l Muenster
Sebastian Sprengel l Muenster
Past Events:
8th International Influenza Meeting 2022
7th International Influenza Meeting 2020
6th International Influenza Meeting 2018
5th International Influenza Meeting 2016
2nd International Conference "Innate immunity of the lung - Improving pneumonia outcome"
Internal FluReseachNet Meeting 2015
4th International Influenza Meeting 2014
Internal FluResearchNet Meeting 2013
International Conference „Innate immunity of the lung – Improving pneumonia outcome”
3rd International Influenza Meeting 2012
Internal FluResearchNet Meeting 2011
2nd International Influenza Meeting
Nationales Symposium zur Influenzaforschung in Deutschland 2009