ZMBE acting director:

Prof. Dr. Erez Raz
Von-Esmarch-Straße 56
D-48149 Münster
phone: +49 251 83 58606
e-mail: erez.raz at

ZMBE-Info / IT-coordination / Central tasks:

If you would like to gather information about the ZMBE, please write to the following address:

Dr. Christian Schulz-Blut
Von-Esmarch-Str. 56
D - 48149 Muenster
phone.: +49-251-83 52101
e-mail: at

Contact the institutes (click on the links below)

Institute of Cell Biology

(Prof. Dr. Erez Raz)

Institute of Infectiology

(Prof. Dr. Petra Dersch)

Institute of Medical Biochemistry

(Prof. Dr. Tim Lämmermann)

Erez Raz

Petra Dersch

Tim Lämmermann
Institute of Molecular Virology

(Prof. Dr. Stephan Ludwig)

Institute of Exp. Pathology

(Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Söhnlein)

Stephan Ludwig
Oliver Söhnlein