Sample Donation

ZBB currently does not autonomously recruit sample donors and has no laboratories for sample drawing and processing of biomaterials. ZBB only takes "ready-to-store" samples collected in the context of studies or additionally collected in the context of treatments at the university hospital. Therefore voluntary donation from the public, such as blood donation, is not possible.

This part of the website is primarily aimed at those interested who want to get more information about the sample storage of the ZBB from the perspective of the donors.

  • Only biomaterial samples will be stored if the donor's explicit consent has been given. For more information, see Informed Consent.
  • The biomaterial samples are stored in strict compliance with data protection. For this purpose, all critical procedures were discussed with the local data protection officer of the UKM. More information can be found under Data Protection.
  • Biomaterial samples can only be released if there is a valid ethical vote for the planned research project. For more information, see Ethics.