Selbsthilfe Ichthyose e. V. Deutschland

Patient organization Selbsthilfe Ichthyose e.V. DeutschlandSelbsthilfe Ichthyose e.V. was founded in March 1996 in Stuttgart. This association pursues exclusively charitable non-profit purposes. The aim of this association is to help affected persons and their relatives.Thus we want
- to reach all affected persons in Germany
- to enable contacts between affected persons
- to collect and to distribute medical knowledge and knowledge on practical care
- to enable counselling in medical, psychological and social issues.
- to help with requests for financial support (insurance companies official government agencies)
- to promote public relation work having the aim to reduce prejudice and disadvantages
- to promote contacts to specialists and clinical centers having the aim to support scientific work on ichthyosis
- to promote exchange with similar patient organization in other European and Non-European countries
Homepage of the self support group Ichthyose e. V., Germany.
Further patient organizations in German speaking countries
Selbsthilfe Ichthyose Schweiz (VIS) (swiss Patient organization) VIS is a loose association of persons suffering from ichthyosis, their parents and relatives in Switzerland and bordering regions. The aim of VIS is to enable the exchange of experience by direct contact concerning all kinds of issues of life. To do this we organize a yearly national meeting. Among else we provide contacts and addresses of persons who have similar problems. The homepage of VIS provides contact details for VIS and further information on different types of ichthyoses and experiences made by people in Switzerland as well as in Germany.