Research Working Group Prof. Markus Junghöfer

The "Neural Mechanisms of Emotion and Attention" working group headed by Prof. Markus Junghöfer is investigating the mechanisms of emotional perception, emotional learning and attention control in humans. By studying groups of patients with abnormalities in the processing of emotions and emotional learning, these mechanisms are to be better understood and indications for possible therapies for such disorders are to be researched.
Using non-invasive electrical and magnetic brain stimulation, we are also investigating the influence of certain brain regions on emotion and attention and attempting to correct the impaired influence of such structures in patients with anxiety disorders, mood disorders or tinnitus with initial therapeutic approaches.
For further details please have a look here.
- Emotion recognition and emotion processing
- Directing attention
- The role of awareness in the processing and learning of emotional stimuli
- Mechanisms of fear, anxiety, depression and tinnitus
- Prediction and effects of successful therapies for anxiety disorders, mood disorders and tinnitus
Here you can find more details on our ongoing Tinnitus Project.
Praktika/Abschlussarbeiten - Internships / Thesis
Bei Interesse an Forschungspraktika oder Abschlussarbeiten in unserer Gruppe wenden Sie sich bitte an markus.junghoefer(at) .
In case you are interested in research internships or writing your thesis in our group, please contact
markus.junghoefer(at) .
Weitere Details finden Sie hier. / For further details please have a look here.