Dr. rer. nat. Corinna Friedrich

Tel.: +49 (251) 83 - 53239
E-Mail: Corinna Friedrich
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University training and degree
2005 Diploma in Biology; Topic: Influence of Pertussis Toxin on the barrier function of human endothelial cells 2000 – 2005 Studies in Biology, University of Münster Advanced academic qualifications
2006 – 2009 PhD in Paediatric Infectious Diseases, University Children’s Hospital Düsseldorf; Topic: Meningitis pathogenesis – Interaction of neutrophils and choroid plexus epithelium during infection with Streptococcus suis Postgraduate professional career
2020 – Group Leader at the Institute of Reproductive Genetics, University of Münster 2018 – Senior Scientist, Institute of Reproductive Genetics, University of Münster 2016 – 2017 Parental leave 2009 – 2015 Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Institute for Genetics of Heart Diseases (IfGH), UKM Academic memberships and activities
2022 – Executive Board member, Research Delegate of the German Society of Andrology (DGA) 2020 – 2022 Ursula von Euch-Scholarship for reconciling work and family Selected publications
All publications by Dr. rer. nat. Corinna Friedrich can be found here.
- Friedrich C, Tüttelmann F. Genetics of female and male infertility. (2024) Med Genet. 36(3):161-170.
- Wyrwoll MJ*, Köckerling N*, Vockel M, Dicke AK, Rotte N, Pohl E, Emich J, Wöste M, Ruckert C, Wabschke R, Seggewiss J, Ledig S, Tewes AC, Stratis Y, Cremers JF, Wistuba J, Krallmann C, Kliesch S, Röpke A, Stallmeyer B, Friedrich C*, Tüttelmann F*. (2023) Genetic Architecture of Azoospermia-Time to Advance the Standard of Care. Eur Urol. 83(5):452-462.
- Emich J, Gaikwad AS, Stallmeyer B, Fietz D, Schuppe HC, Oud MS, Kliesch S, Gromoll J, Friedrich C*, Tüttelmann F*. (2023) Functional assessment of DMRT1 variants and their pathogenicity for isolated male infertility. Fertil Steril. 119(2):219-228.
- Wyrwoll MJ*, Wabschke R*, Röpke A, Wöste C, Ruckert C, Perrey S, Rotte N, Hardy J, Astica L, Lupiáñez DG, Wistuba J, Westernströer B, Schlatt S, Berman AJ, Müller AM, Kliesch S, Yatsenko AN, Tüttelmann F, Friedrich C. (2022) Analysis of copy number variation in men with non-obstructive azoospermia. Andrology. 10:1593–1604.
- Oud MS, Volozonoka L, Friedrich C, Kliesch S, Nagirnaja L, Gilissen C, O'Bryan MK, McLachlan RI, Aston KI, Tüttelmann F, Conrad DF, Veltman JA. (2021) Lack of evidence for a role of PIWIL1 variants in human male infertility. Cell. 184:1941-1942.
- Wyrwoll MJ*, Temel ŞG*, Nagirnaja L, Oud MS, Lopes AM, van der Heijden GW, Heald JS, Rotte N, Wistuba J, Wöste M, Ledig S, Krenz H, Smits RM, Carvalho F, Gonçalves J, Fietz D, Türkgenç B, Ergören MC, Çetinkaya M, Başar M, Kahraman S, McEleny K, Xavier MJ, Turner H, Pilatz A, Röpke A, Dugas M, Kliesch S, Neuhaus N; GEMINI Consortium, Aston KI, Conrad DF, Veltman JA, Friedrich C*, Tüttelmann F*. (2020) Bi-allelic Mutations in M1AP Are a Frequent Cause of Meiotic Arrest and Severely Impaired Spermatogenesis Leading to Male Infertility. Am J Hum Genet. 107(2):342-351.
- Fenz Araujo T*, Friedrich C*, Grangeiro CHP, Martelli LR, Grzesiuk JD, Emich J, Wyrwoll MJ, Kliesch S, Simões AL, Tüttelmann F. (2020) Sequence analysis of 37 candidate genes for male infertility: challenges in variant assessment and validating genes. Andrology. 8:434-441.
- Frank, D*, Yusuf Rangrez, A*, Friedrich, C*, Dittmann, S*, Stallmeyer, B, Yadav, P, Bernt, A, Schulze-Bahr, E, Borlepawar, A, Zimmermann, W-H, Peischard, S, Seebohm, G, Linke, WA, Baba, HA, Krüger, M, Unger, A, Usinger, P, Frey, N, Schulze-Bahr, E. (2019) Cardiac α-Actin (ACTC1) Gene Mutation Causes Atrial-Septal Defects Associated With Late-Onset Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Circ-Genom Precis Me. 12(8), e002491.
- Wemhöner K*, Friedrich C*, Stallmeyer B, Coffey AJ, Grace A, Zumhagen S, Seebohm G, Ortiz-Bonnin B, Rinné S, Sachse FB, Schulze-Bahr E*, Decher N*. (2015) Gain-of-function mutations in the calcium channel CACNA1C (Cav1.2) cause non-syndromic long-QT but not Timothy syndrome. JMol Cell Cardiol. 2015; 80:186-95.
- Friedrich C*, Rinné S*, Zumhagen S, Kiper AK, Silbernagel N, Netter MF, Stallmeyer B, Schulze-Bahr E*, Decher N*. (2014) Gain-of-function mutation in TASK-4 channels and severe cardiac conduction disorder. EMBO Mol Med. 6:937-51.
- Wewer C, Seibt A, Wolburg H, Greune L, Schmidt MA, Berger J, Galla HJ, Quitsch U, Schwerk C, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T. (2011) Transcellular migration of neutrophil granulocytes through the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier after infection with Streptococcus suis. J Neuroinflammation. 8:51.
* contributed equally