Prof. Dr. med. Tanja Kuhlmann

Pottkamp 2
Tel.: +49-(0)251-83-56968
Fax.: +49-(0)251-83-56971
Curriculum vitae
1971 | born in Oldenburg, Germany | |
1991-1998 | Medical school, Georg August University, Göttingen, Germany | |
1998 | Medical degree | |
1998-2002 | Medical residency and research fellow in the Departments of Neuropathology, University of Göttingen, and Charité, Berlin and in the Department of Neurology, Charité, Berlin, Germany | |
2002-2004 | Postdoctoral fellow at the Neuroimmunology Unit and Molecular Oncology Group, McGill, Montréal, Canada | |
2004-2008 | Medical residency and research fellow in the Departments of Neuropathology and Pathology, University of Göttingen | |
2007 | Habilitation and venia legendi for Neuropathology, University of Göttingen, Germany | |
since 2008 | Associate Professor for Neuropathology in the Institute of Neuropathology, University Hospital Münster, Germany |