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2. Cypers H, Varkas G, Beeckman S, Debusschere K, Vogl T, Roth J, Drennan MB, Lavric M, Foell D, Cuvelier CA, De Vos M, Delanghe J, Van den Bosch F, Elewaut D. Elevated calprotectin levels reveal bowel inflammation in spondyloarthritis.
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3. Daebritz J, Weinhage T, Varga G, Wirth T, Ehrchen JM, Barczyk-Kahlert K, Roth J, Schwarz T, Foell D. Activation-dependent cell death of human monocytes is a novel mechanism of fine-tuning inflammation and autoimmunity.
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4. de Munter W, van den Bosch MH, Sloetjes AW, Croce KJ, Vogl T, Roth J, Koenders MI, de Loo FAv, van den Berg WB, van der Kraan PM, van Lent PL. High LDL levels lead to increased synovial inflammation and accelerated ectopic bone formation during experimental osteoarthritis.
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5. Geven EJW, van den Bosch MHJ, Di Ceglie I, Ascone G, Abdollahi-Roodsaz S, Sloetjes AW, Hermann S, Schaefers M, van de Loo FAJ, van der Kraan PM, Koenders MI, Foell D, Roth J, Vogl T, van Lent PLEM. S100A8/A9, a potent serum and molecular imaging biomarker for synovial inflammation and joint destruction in seronegative experimental arthritis.
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7. Hucke S, Eschborn M, Liebmann M, Herold M, Freise N, Engbers A, Ehling P, Meuth SG, Roth J, Kuhlmann T, Wiendl H, Klotz L. Sodium chloride promotes pro-inflammatory macrophage polarization thereby aggravating CNS autoimmunity.
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9. Nair SC, Welsing PMJ, Choi IYK, Roth J, Holzinger D, Bijlsma JWJ, van Laar JM, Gerlag DM, Lafeber FPJG, Tak PP. A Personalized Approach to Biological Therapy Using Prediction of Clinical Response Based on MRP8/14 Serum Complex Levels in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients.
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10. Nowacki TM, Remaley AT, Bettenworth D, Eisenblaetter M, Vowinkel T, Becker F, Vogl T, Roth J, Tietge UJ, Luegering A, Heidemann J, Nofer J-R. The 5A apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) mimetic peptide ameliorates experimental colitis by regulating monocyte infiltration.
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11. Ohl K, Wiener A, Lippe R, Schippers A, Zorn C, Roth J, Wagner N, Tenbrock K. CREM Alpha Enhances IL-21 Production in T Cells In Vivo and In Vitro.
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13. Rekers NV, Bajema IM, Mallat MJK, Petersen B, Anholts JDH, Swings GMJS, van Miert PPMC, Kerkhoff C, Roth J, Popp D, van Groningen MC, Baeten D, Goemaere N, Kraaij MD, Zandbergen M, Heidt S, van Kooten C, de Fijter JW, Claas FHJ, Eikmans M. Beneficial Immune Effects of Myeloid-Related Proteins in Kidney Transplant Rejection.
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14. Schelbergen RFP, de Munter W, van den Bosch MHJ, Lafeber FPJG, Sloetjes A, Vogl T, Roth J, van den Berg WB, van der Kraan PM, Blom AB, van Lent PLEM. Alarmins S100A8/S100A9 aggravate osteophyte formation in experimental osteoarthritis and predict osteophyte progression in early human symptomatic osteoarthritis.
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15. Van Crombruggen K, Vogl T, Perez-Novo C, Holtappels G, Bachert C. Differential release and deposition of S100A8/A9 proteins in inflamed upper airway tissue.
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16. van den Bosch MH, Blom AB, Schelbergen RF, Koenders MI, van de Loo FA, van den Berg WB, Vogl T, Roth J, van der Kraan PM, van Lent PL. Alarmin S100A9 Induces Proinflammatory and Catabolic Effects Predominantly in the M1 Macrophages of Human Osteoarthritic Synovium.
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18. Wilsmann-Theis D, Wagenpfeil J, Holzinger D, Roth J, Koch S, Schnautz S, Bieber T, Wenzel J. Among the S100 proteins, S100A12 is the most significant marker for psoriasis disease activity.
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