Merve Duygu Çalışkan

Curriculum Vitae


Since 2020:
PhD studies at the Institute of Molecular Virology, Center for Molecular Biology of Inflammation (ZMBE), University of Münster, Germany


MSc in Medical Microbiology, Erciyes University, Kayseri (Turkey)

Vaccine Research and Development-Application and Research Center

Thesis: "Investigation of Cellular Immune Response due to Inactive Vaccine which has been developed Against Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Disease Investigation of The Hybridomas Stabilities and Neutralization Capabilities Of Monoclonal Antibodies Developed Against The Glycoproteins Of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV)"

BSc in Bioengineering, Ege University, İzmir (Turkey)

Animal Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratory

Thesis : "Characterisation of Hybridoma"


02/05/2017–30/11/2019 R&D specialist, Matriks Biotek Co. Ltd., Ankara (Turkey)

02/2014–03/2017 Researcher Assistant, Erciyes University Vaccine Research and Development-Application and Research Center, Kayseri (Turkey)

06/2012–07/2013 Intern Researcher, Ege University, Bioengineering- Animal Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratory, İzmir (Turkey)

07/2012–08/2012 Intern Researcher Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Medical Genetic Laboratory, Ankara (Turkey)

06/2009–06/2011 Intern Researcher, Ege University, Bioengineering-Surface Modification Laboratory, Izmir (Turkey)


The sporadic epidemic dominance of IBV was recently demonstrated in Europe during the 2017/18 flu season, which was characterized by an unusually high number of severe infections and hospitalizations caused by the IBV Yamagata lineage. Although this IBV/Yam dominance appeared to be largely associated with vaccine mismatch, a contribution of virus intrinsic features was speculated. The project aims to close this fundamental knowledge gap by performing a molecular characterization of clinical IBV isolates from the 2017/18 season recovered from hospitalized patients in Germany. Within this project we will deliver novel insight into the genetic determinants that contribute to the dynamic epidemic dominance of IBV and provide an in depth analysis of the relationship between the genomic mutations observed in the clade 3A IBV viruses and the increased viral pathogenicity in humans.



Influenza B, Cell Culture, Lung Explants, Immunohistochemistry, Single Cell Isolation, Antiviral resistance, Transcriptomics, scRNA sequencing, Reverse Genetics, Cloning, Protein Structure Analysis, HPAIV,BSL2, BSL3




Kumar, S., Çalışkan, D. M., Janowski, J., Faist, A., Conrad, B. C. G., Lange, J., Ludwig, S., and Brunotte, L. (2021) Beyond Vaccines: Clinical Status of Prospective COVID-19 Therapeutics, Front Immunol12, 752227.