Predictive processing on different hierarchical dimensions
Head of the working group: Dr. Insa Schlossmacher
This research group uses neuroscientific methods like electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate how brain activity relates to different aspects of predictive perception. In particular, we want to understand how the mechanisms underlying deviance responses vary under different task conditions using awareness and relevance manipulations. In addition, we are interested in how deviance responses change on different spatial and temporal dimensions, e.g. by investigating sensory processing areas vs. higher-order areas or early vs. late responses.

In order to attain these goals, we combine the aforementioned neuroscientific methods with computational modeling techniques. In collaboration with other research groups, we also aim at characterizing the neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) and their relation to expectation processes both on a temporal and spatial basis.
Main questions
- Can enhanced neural responses to deviants be best explained by predictive processing or adaptation?
- How do mechanisms of deviance processing vary depending on awareness, attention and target relevance of stimuli?
- In what way do consciousness and predictive processing interact on a neural level?
- Where and when do patterns of brain activity differ or converge when investigating different sensory modalities like vision and audition?
Selected publications
- Schlossmacher, I., Lucka, F., Peters, A., Bruchmann, M., & Straube, T. (2022). Effects of awareness and task relevance on neurocomputational models of mismatch negativity generation. NeuroImage.
- Schlossmacher, I., Dilly, J., Protmann, I., Hofmann, D., Dellert, T., Roth-Paysen, M.-L., Moeck, R., Bruchmann, M., & Straube, T. (2022). Differential effects of prediction error and adaptation along the auditory cortical hierarchy during deviance processing. NeuroImage, 259, 119445.
- Schlossmacher, I.*, Dellert, T.*, Bruchmann, M., & Straube, T. (2021). Dissociating neural correlates of consciousness and task relevance during auditory processing. NeuroImage, 228, 117712.
- Schlossmacher, I., Dellert, T., Pitts, M., Bruchmann, M., & Straube, T. (2020). Differential Effects of Awareness and Task Relevance on Early and Late ERPs in a No-Report Visual Oddball Paradigm. J Neurosci, 40(14), 2906-2913.
* shared first authorships