Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schwab

Robert-Koch-Str. 27 b
Tel.: 0251 / 83-55329
Fax.: 0251 / 83-55331

Curriculum Vitae
After studying medicine in Würzburg I obtained my postdoctoral training at the universities of New Haven (Yale University), Würzburg and Nashville (Vanderbilt University). In 2003 I became professor at the Institute of Physiology II. My research focuses on the function of ion channels and ion transporters in migrating cells such as tumor (stroma) cells and immune cells.

pHioniC   The program is now open for application

pH and Ion Transport in Pancreatic Cancer – pHioniC

pHioniC is a Marie Skłodowska Curie Innovative Training Network on the role of pH and ion transport proteins in pancreatic cancer. It is funded by the European Commission from 1st November, 2018 to 31th October, 2022.

Ion Transport Proteins in Control of Cancer Cell BehaviourIonTraC was a Marie Curie Initial Training Network on the role of Ion Transport Proteins in Pancreatic Cancer. The consortium consisted of 9 academic and two industrial partners from five European countries with long-standing, complementary expertises in ion transport and carcinogenesis. It was funded by the European Commission from 2011-15.


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