Westfälische Wilhelmsuniversität Münster (WWU)

University Hospital UKM, Department for Gynecology and obstetrics

With with more than 45,700 students, the University of Münster is one of the largest universities in Germany. The Gynecology department is located at the university hospital UKM.

Prof. Dr. Martin Götte, who coordinates the TRENDO project, is head of the research laboratory of the gynecology department. The WWU team has several decades of experience in basic and clinically oriented endometriosis research. Prof. Götte performed pioneering work in the functional analysis of endometriotic stem cells and microRNAs. He coordinated the MSCA RISE project MOMENDO, which preceded this current project.

The research lab has a close collaboration with the endometriosis center at WWU’s Department of gynecology, a certified center for the diagnosis and therapy of endometriosis. Team members include Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kiesel, Head of the Gynecology Department of WWU, who is a board member of several Societies and Commissions relevant to endometriosis research (WES, EEL, SEF, DGG), and Sebastian Schäfer, MD, expert in gynecological surgery.

Within the TRENDO project, WWU will provide its expertise on the functional analysis of endometriotic cells and newly developed 3D models of the endometrium for a thorough testing of the novel analytical approaches developed by the other partners.



Selected publications

1. Lagana et al. Int J Mol Sci. 201920(22):5615.

2. Schüring AN et al. Reprod Biomed Online. 2018 Mar;36(3):294-301.

3. Chelariu-Raicu A, et al. Fertil Steril. 2016;106(2):378-85.

4. Eggers JC et al. Reprod Biomed Online. 2016 Apr;32(4):434-45.

5. Gotte M et al. J Pathol . 2008;215(3):317-29.