Berlin | 20.03.2009

Programm und Abstracts

A. Schmeling (Münster, Germany)
Analysis of the proficiency test
S. Tangmose Larsen, N. Lynnerup (Copenhagen)
Forensic age determination of the living in Denmark
M.A. Verhoff, F. Quirmbach, F. Ramsthaler (Giessen, Frankfurt/Main)
Evaluation of the ossification of the medial clavicular epiphysis with a digital ultrasonic system to determine the age threshold of 21 years
M. Kellinghaus, R. Schulz, V. Vieth, S. Schmidt, A. Schmeling (Münster)
Improved possibilities to make statements on ossification of the medial clavicular epiphysis using thin-slice computed tomography
F.W. Rösing (Ulm)
On age independence of costal cartilage ossification
M. Boguslawski, Z. Obertová, T. Arent, P. Gabriel, S. Ritz-Timme (Düsseldorf)
Living pictures: Age assessment on pedo-pornographic material
Z. Obertová, M. Boguslawski, P. Gabriel, S. Ritz-Timme (Düsseldorf)
Fake youth: The concept of pseudo-nonage from the anthropological point of view
B.Gelbrich, G. Gelbrich, M. Lehmann, R. Lessig (Leipzig)
On the probability of being right in forensic age estimation: Determination, chances and limitations
S. Kvaal (Oslo, Norway)
Age estimation of adults from dental radiographs - revisited
A. Fuhrmann, A. Otte-Witte (Hamburg, Germany)
Age estimation from orthopantomograms - Combined evaluation of third molar mineralization and alveolar bone loss to assess the completion of the 18th year of age
F. Mayer, S. Ritz-Timme (Düsseldorf)
Age estimation on a molecular level
M. Andrade, H. Cardoso (Lisbon, Porto, Portugal)
Can we combine dental and skeletal age estimates when assessing biological age?
S. Harth, F. Ramsthaler, M. Obert, C. Reuss, H. Traupe, M.A. Verhoff (Giessen, Frankfurt/Main)
Ossification degrees of cranial sutures determined with flat-panel CT: Narrowing the age estimate with extrema