Curriculum vitae
since 11/2011 Research associate at the Institute of Physiology I (Neurophysiology, Prof. Hans-Christian Pape), Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Germany 7/2006 – 10/2011 Postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Kai Kaila at the University of Helsinki, Finland 6/2006 Dissertation: “Regulation of the K+-Cl--cotransporter 2 and the development of the auditory brainstem“ 4/2003 – 3/2006 Doctoral thesis, Neurobiology
(Prof. Eckhard Friauf, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)10/1998 – 3/2003 Diploma in biology at the department of Animal Physiology
(Prof. Eckhard Friauf, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)1989 – 1998 Secondary school, Neckarsulm, Germany 1985 – 1989 Elementary school, Neckarsulm, Germany since 11/2011 Research associate at the Department of Physiology I (Neurophysiology, Prof. Hans-Christian Pape), Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Germany 7/2006 – 10/2011 Postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Kai Kaila at the University of Helsinki, Finland 6/2006 Dissertation: “Regulation of the K+-Cl--cotransporter 2 and the development of the auditory brainstem“ 4/2003 – 3/2006 Doctoral thesis, Neurobiology
(Prof. Eckhard Friauf, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)10/1998 – 3/2003 Diploma in biology at the department of Animal Physiology
(Prof. Eckhard Friauf, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)1989 – 1998 Secondary school, Neckarsulm, Germany 1985 – 1989 Elementary school, Neckarsulm, Germany Awards
- Graduierten-Stipendium der Novartis-Stiftung für therapeutische Forschung 2012
- Preis des Freundeskreises der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern e.V. für eine wissenschaftlich hervorragende Doktorarbeit im Jahr 2006
- Jüngling K, Blaesse P, Goedecke L, Pape HC (2016) Dynorphin-dependent reduction of excitability and attenuation of inhibitory afferents of NPS neurons in the pericoerulear region of mice. Front Cell Neurosci 10:61.
- Puskarjov M, Ahmad F, Khirug S, Sivakumaran S, Kaila K, Blaesse P (2015) BDNF is required for seizure-induced but not developmental up-regulation of KCC2 in the neonatal hippocampus.
Neuropharmacology 88: 103-109 - Blaesse P, Goedecke L, Bazelot M, Capogna M, Pape HC, Jüngling K (2015) μ-opioid receptor-mediated inhibition of intercalated neurons and effect on synaptic transmission to the central amygdala. J Neurosci 35:7317-25.
- Romo-Parra H, Blaesse P, Sosulina L, Pape HC (2015) Neurosteroids increase tonic GABAergic inhibition in the lateral section of the central amygdala in mice. J Neurophysiol 113:3421-31.
Erdmann F, Kügler S, Blaesse P, Lange MD, Skryabin BV, Pape HC, Jüngling K (2015) Neuronal expression of the human neuropeptide S receptor NPSR1 identifies NPS-induced calcium signaling pathways. PLoS One 10:e0117319. - Blaesse P, Schmidt T (2015) K-Cl cotransporter KCC2--a moonlighting protein in excitatory and inhibitory synapse development and function. Pflugers Arch 467:615-24.
- Lange MD, Jüngling K, Paulukat L, Vieler M, Gaburro S, Sosulina L, Blaesse P, Sreepathi HK, Ferraguti F, Pape HC (2014)
Glutamic acid decarboxylase 65: a link between GABAergic synaptic plasticity in the lateral amygdala and conditioned fear generalization.
Neuropsychopharmacology 39(9): 2211-20. - Puskarjov M, Seja P, Heron SE, Williams TC, Ahmad F, Iona X, Oliver KL, Grinton BE, Vutskits L, Scheffer IE, Petrou S, Blaesse P, Dibbens LM, Berkovic SF, Kaila K (2014) A variant of KCC2 from patients with febrile seizures impairs neuronal Cl- extrusion and dendritic spine formation.
EMBO Rep. 15(6): 723-9. - Blaesse P, Schmidt T (2014) K-Cl cotransporter KCC2-a moonlighting protein in excitatory and inhibitory synapse development and function.
Pflugers Arch. [Epub ahead of print]
- Ruusuvuori E, Huebner AK, Kirilkin I, Yukin AY, Blaesse P, Helmy M, Kang HJ, El Muayed M, Hennings JC, Voipio J, Šestan N, Hübner CA, Kaila K (2013) Neuronal carbonic anhydrase VII provides GABAergic excitatory drive to exacerbate febrile seizures.
EMBO J. 32(16): 2275-86. - Ahmad F, Kaila K, Blaesse P (2013) Quantitative analysis of surface expression of membrane proteins using cold-adapted proteases.
Curr Protoc Protein Sci. 73: Unit 3.11.
- Puskarjov M, Ahmad F, Kaila K, Blaesse P (2012) Activity-dependent cleavage of the K-Cl cotransporter KCC2 mediated by calcium-activated protease calpain. J Neurosci 32: 11356-11364.
- Fiumelli H, Briner A, Puskarjov M, Blaesse P, Belem BJ, Dayer AG, Kaila K, Martin JL, Vutskits L (2012) An ion transport-independent role for the cation-chloride cotransporter KCC2 in dendritic spinogenesis in vivo. Cereb Cortex 23: 378-388.
- Ahmad F, Coleman SK, Kaila K, Blaesse P (2011) Cold-adapted protease enables quantitation of surface proteins in the absence of membrane trafficking. Biotechniques 50:255-257.
- Horn Z, Ringstedt T, Blaesse P, Kaila K, Herlenius E (2010) Premature expression of KCC2 in embryonic mice perturbs neural development by an ion transport-independent mechanism. Eur J Neurosci 31:2142-2155.
- Khirug S, Ahmad F, Puskarjov M, Afzalov R, Kaila K, Blaesse P (2010) A single seizure episode leads to rapid functional activation of KCC2 in the neonatal rat hippocampus. J Neurosci 30:12028-12035.
- Blaesse P, Airaksinen MS, Rivera C, Kaila K (2009) Cation-chloride cotransporters and neuronal function. Neuron 61:820-838.
- Hartmann AM, Blaesse P, Kranz T, Wenz M, Schindler J, Kaila K, Friauf E, Nothwang HG (2009) Opposite effect of membrane raft perturbation on transport activity of KCC2 and NKCC1. J Neurochem 111:321-331.
- Sipila ST, Huttu K, Yamada J, Afzalov R, Voipio J, Blaesse P, Kaila K (2009) Compensatory enhancement of intrinsic spiking upon NKCC1 disruption in neonatal hippocampus. J Neurosci 29:6982-6988.
- Blaesse P, Nothwang HG (2008) Neuronal chloride homeostasis: development and activity-dependent regulation of cation-chloride cotransporters. Neuroforum, 1:148-157
- Li H, Khirug S, Cai C, Ludwig A, Blaesse P, Kolikova J, Afzalov R, Coleman SK, Lauri S, Airaksinen MS, Keinanen K, Khiroug L, Saarma M, Kaila K, Rivera C (2007) KCC2 interacts with the dendritic cytoskeleton to promote spine development. Neuron 56:1019-1033.
- Blaesse P, Guillemin I, Schindler J, Schweizer M, Delpire E, Khiroug L, Friauf E, Nothwang HG (2006) Oligomerization of KCC2 correlates with development of inhibitory neurotransmission. J Neurosci 26:10407-10419.
- Blaesse P, Ehrhardt S, Friauf E, Nothwang HG (2005) Developmental pattern of three vesicular glutamate transporters in the rat superior olivary complex. Cell Tissue Res 320:33-50.
Book chapters
- Miles R, Blaesse P, Huberfeld G, Wittner L, Kaila K (2012) Chloride homeostasis and GABA signaling in temporal lobe epilepsy. In: Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies, Eds: Noebels J, Avoli M, Rogawski M, Olsen R, Delgado-Escueta A, Oxford University Press; 4th edition. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US)
- Kaila K, Blaesse P, Sipilä ST. (2009) Development of GABAergic signaling: from molecules to emerging networks. In: Developmental and comparative neuroscience: Epigenetics, Evolution, & Behavior, Eds: Blumberg MS, Freeman JH, Robinson SR, Oxford University Press; pp 108-39