ESHRE Campus Course: 'Methodological approaches for investigating endometrial function and endometriosis'

The ESHRE Campus course will be held on 18-19 September 2017 in Edinburgh, UK. Distinguished experts in the field of endometrial and endometriosis research will give an update on methodological aspects of biobanking (to facilitate and enable large-scale, cross-centre, longitudinal, epidemiologically robust, biomarker and treatment target discovery research in endometriosis), genomics (micro-RNAs and their role in the aetiology of endometriosis, genome wide association studies and next generation sequencing), cell biology (cell populations regulating endometrial function with a putative role in endometriosis), intracrinology (role of the steroid microenvironment), epidemiology, clinical trials (the importance of trial design), biomarkers (serum, urinary, imaging) and animal models (murine and primate). The latest knowledge will be reviewed to facilitate the generation and interpretation of biochemical, genetic/epigenetic, genomic, cell biology, and quality of life data relevant to endometriosis symptoms and targeted therapies. The course syllabus is aimed at basic scientists and clinical researchers with an interest in endometrial function and endometriosis. This workshop has been organised jointly by the ESHRE SIG Endometriosis / Endometrium and the ASRM Endometriosis Special Interest Group.Please click here for further information.

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