8th Münster Graduate School Meeting - Cell Dynamics and Disease

Dear all,

On behalf of all the organizers, we cordially invite you to the 8th annual meeting of the Cells in Motion Cluster of Excellence Graduate School - CiM and the International Max Planck Research School IMPRS-MBM, from 9th to 11th April 2014 at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Münster, Germany.

The meeting includes discussions on topics like immunology, neuroscience, biophysics, developmental biology, vascular and stem cell biology, RNA biology, epigenetics and bioethics. The students would thus get an opportunity to gain an insight into a wide range of disciplines by interacting with highly renowned scientists, who will be our distinguished guests. We enthusiastically announce our keynote speaker for this year, Prof. Dr. Gene Myers, one of the most influential bioinformaticians, who along with others developed the program BLAST. He also contributed immensely to the Human Genome Project through his work.

Registration for the meeting is open now and it is free for all. Please note that you have to register to attend the meeting. The deadline for registration is 30th March 2014.

You are highly encouraged to present posters/talks during the meeting. There will be prizes for two best posters and for the best talk given by students/young scientists. The deadline for abstract submission for posters and talks is 15th March 2014.
You can register online and also find more information about the meeting on our website: www.imprs-mbm-cedad.mpg.de.

We would appreciate it if you could forward an invitation to your research group, institute and/or previous universities. Attached please find the official invitation letter, poster and the schedule (tentative) of the GSM 2014.

We look forward to welcoming you all to the 8th Graduate School Meeting 'Cell
Dynamics and Disease'.

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