3rd Joint Meeting of the German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology (GfMVB) and the Swiss Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Research (SSMVR) in Muenster, Germany

Dear colleagues,

I am happy to announce that the online registration and the abstract submission for the

3rd Joint Meeting of the German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology (GfMVB)

and the

Swiss Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Research (SSMVR)

and at the same time the

36th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology (GfMVB)

2014 in Muenster, Germany

is now possible!

Please follow the link https://www.microcirculation-conference.de/ to reach the convention homepage for further information.
There will be sessions from the 30th of September to the 2nd of October with many highly qualified speakers and workshops with a limited number of participants (max. 4-6 persons/workshop) in advanced live cell imaging from the 29th to the 30th of September.
Please see the attached announcement and forward it to your colleagues!

I hope to see all of you in September!

Best regards

Prof. Hans Schnittler (for the organizing committee)

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