DFG extends funding for the Research group FOR 2690 PruSearch for another three years

Prof. Dr. Dr. Sonja Ständer © WWU - E. Wibberg

With a total of four million euros, the German Research Foundation will support the interdisciplinary research group FOR 2690 - Translational Pruritus Research for a further three years. Prof. Dr. Martin Schmelz, University of Heidelberg is the speaker and Prof. Dr. Dr. Sonja Ständer, head of the UKM's first Chronic Pruritus Competence Centre (KCP), is the co-spokesperson of the research group.

Chronic pruritus (AKA chronic itch) is a major clinical complaint not only associated with various dermatological diseases, but also prevalent cholestasis and renal failure, diabetes, lymphoma, cancer and anti-cancer therapy, neurological and psychiatric diseases. It has a high prevalence in the middle-aged and elderly populations. The interdisciplinary research group is made up of scientists and experts in the field of pruritus research in Germany with various specialties, including dermatology, neurophysiology, anaesthesiology, neurology, gastroenterology and radiology.

Click here to read the press release (in German) of the Medical Faculty of Münster.