15. PhD Training of the German Section of the ISMRM

"Translational research MR - from mice and healthy volunteers to patients"The PhD training of the ISMRM was held in Münster from Monday, 18th to Wednesday 20th March 2013. The training was hosted by the Institute of Clinical Radiology at the University Hospital Münster with working groups at the Translational Research Imaging Center (TRIC) and clinical research groups.

Focus of the event was the translation of the results of MR basic research into clinical applications. The conference is multi-disciplinary in particular to graduate students and young postdocs.

You will find a press release in German here

Deutsche Sektion der ISMRM e.V.
Institut für Klinische Radiologie (IKR)
Translational Research Imaging Center (TRIC) am IKR
wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgruppen am IKR
Arbeitsgruppe Experimentelle MRT
Arbeitsgruppe Cognition & Gender