
Workshop "Image Processing": Image processing with Fiji/ImageJ – Advanced course (macro programming)

Topics: detailed lecture about ImageJ macro language, step-by-step programming tutorial, open to discuss and write own macros
Please note: Participation in our Fiji/ImageJ beginner course or the Biovoxxel ImageJ/Fiji course, or detailed knowledge of Fiji/first experiences with macros or other programming languages is required.

More information

Speaker: Thomas Zobel, Coordinator Microscopy – Imaging Network
Temporal setting: tuesdays+wednesdays 08.02.2022 - 02.03.2022, 9:00-16:00
Online workshop: Our workshops will be held online via Zoom. We will work remotely on our analysis server and ideally you work with one large or two monitors. No further technical preparations are necessary in advance. The number of participants is limited to ten people per workshop. Please send your registration request to indicating your name and institution.


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