21st European Testis Workshop
21st European Testis Workshop - ETW2021
Date: May 30th - June 03rd 2021
Venue: Zoom
The scientific program will cover all testis research topics indicated in this page and the workshop will be developed through a combination of high quality plenary sessions, symposiums, and selected talks and short talks from the submitted miniposters which will be printed in the traditional workshop book. As in previous editions, this European Testis Workshop fulfills an important aim - to promote the interaction of young researchers and PIs working on testis research in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, facilitating research exchange and stimulating potential new collaborations.
As a special highlight, the ETW organising committees have decided to shift into a 100% virtual edition for this years edition. Take your change and be part of it - live in your living room!
Deadline for miniposter submission has been extended until March 25th 2021, and a registration form is available here with updated conditions for all participation categories.
We are looking forward to this exciting event!
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